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Ebony's POV

I'm walking round the shopping centre clinging on to Demi like my life depends on it. I've never been anywhere like this before and I can't believe how many people there are.

Demi leads us into a shop and straight away begins picking clothes off the rails.

I look at the sizes on the clothes. Ages 2/3 and 3/4, wow maybe I am small for my age. At least I'm not fat. I like being skinny.

I love the outfits demi is putting together for me they are so cute and she looks like she's having fun doing it.

After about two hours of hardcore shopping I'm starting to get tired, my legs are aching.

"Eb are you ok?" Demi asks turning round to look at me. I nod my head but a little yawn escapes.

"I think someone's tired" Marissa adds

"Ok, well let's put all this in the car and it's about time we need to leave for my interview anyway" demi says taking hold of my hand and walking towards the exit.

We all run to the car to escape the paps, luckily we got a head start before they saw demi.

After driving for about 5 minutes I can feel my eyes closing, I fall asleep to the sound of demi singing along to the radio.

Demi's POV

I look in my mirror to check on ebony and she's fast asleep. She looks so adorable. I really hope she's gonna be ok at this interview, there will be a lot of people that need to work with me like hair and makeup people down to the people who the interview is with. I'm gonna have to leave her with Marissa as well and that will be the first time I've been away from her since I brought her home, I know she's ok around Marissa but I've always been there, I've no idea how she is going to react.


"Yeah dem?"

"You will look after her won't you, while I'm in the interview?"

"Demi don't be stupid, you know I will. If she cries then I'll comfort her, you never know she might be fine, it might not bother her"

"Hmmm, well we shall see"

I pull up outside the television studio, ebony is still asleep so I go to pick her up, doing my best not to wake her.

"Marissa have you got my bag?"

"Yeah I got it"

As we walk into my dressing room I place ebony down on the couch, I'm so relieved she's still asleep, it means I can get ready and have people in my dressing room without her freaking out.

People keep asking questions so I decide it's best to call a quick meeting, I leave marissa to keep an eye on eb and gather all my team in a separate room.

It doesn't take me long to explain who ebony is and without revealing too much I manage to get the message across about how ebony is around people.

I love the people I work with, they are so understanding and they can't wait to get to know my baby but they've agreed to take it slowly.

"Right mar, I need to go now, I should be an hour tops, if she wakes up and is all panicky just do your best, I know you'll be fine"

I quietly walk over to my baby and place a kiss on her forehead.

This is the interview where I'm going to publicly announce I have a daughter, I'm exited and a bit apprehensive to how people will react. I know my lovatics will love her, but a bit of hate is to be expected.

As I'm telling the audience about my little girl all I can hear is people going "awww" and I can't help but smile at the thought of my princess. I hope she's still asleep, I want to be there when she wakes up.

Marissa POV

I'm just flicking through my twitter feed waiting for demi to finish her interview when I hear little whimpers coming from ebony. Demi should be finished in about ten minutes so if I need any help she won't be long.

Ebony starts tossing and turning so I move and crouch down next to her so she doesn't fall off the couch.

I stroke her cheek and move her hair out of her face. She's clearly having a nightmare because she's all over the place, there are tears falling down her cheeks even in her sleep.

"Shhh, shhhhh sweetheart it's ok" I whisper to her.

Ebony POV

I sit up and I don't know where I am, demi isn't here and I need her.

That nightmare was horrible and I'm freaking out.

My breathing won't settle and I can't breath properly, I hate panicking, It scares me even more because I can't breath right.

"Demi" I cry, and Marissa goes to put her arm around me but I flinch away. No I want demi, I don't know why I moved away from her because I do trust her.

"Ebony, sweetie calm down"

"I can't" I cry, my voice shaking

At that moment the dressing room door opens and in walks Demi. She comes straight over to me and scoops me up in her arms.

She sits back down on the couch with me on her lap.

"Ok ebby, copy me, copy my breathing. In and out baby"

I'm sat shaking on her knee trying desperately do calm down. After a couple of minutes my breathing settles but I can't stop myself crying.

"Good girl ebby, good girl" she says whilst playing with my hair


"Yeah baby"

"I'm sorry" I say placing my head on her chest.

"What on earth for?"

"Getting all worked up and not being able to clam myself down"

"Hey what have I told you, I'm here to look after you and if you need my help then you get my help ok?"

I nod my head and place it back on her chest. We sit like this for about twenty minutes before demi decides it's time to go and meet her family.

"I'm scared"

"Baby girl, my family are your family now, they will love you just as much as I do and while we're there you can stay with me the whole time if you want, unless you wanna go and play with maddie, I'm sure she'll be glad of someone around her own age to play with"

"Ok, I'll try"

"Good girl, make mummy proud"

And with that all three of us leave the studio and head off to Demi's family home. I'm glad marissa is going to be there as well just because i'll at least know two people.

Quick note,

Thank you all for reading this, especially the people who have commented it makes me happy.

Any ideas for further chapters are greatly appreciated xxxxx

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