Being clingy

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Authors POV (trying something new. Let me know if you like it in the comments)

Demi was so confused; over night something had happened to her little girl.

She was scared.

She could help Evie with self harm and eating but this was something new.

Demi felt out of her comfort zone.

Her daughter was in tears, clinging to her, begging her to not leave.

Both of them were scared but for completely different reasons.

"Come on sweetheart. Let's go get breakfast" Demi said softly to her little girl.

With tears streaming down her face, Evie nodded in agreement, but did not release Demi from her hold.

Demi managed to lift Evie off her lap and onto the floor, so she too could get up.

The second Demi began to walk out the bedroom Evie moved to grab hold of her mothers hand.

She couldn't loose contact.

She had to be close to her.

Despite it being early, the hotel restaurant was buzzing with life. Tourists and business people alike were busy chatting away, buttering their toast and sipping their morning coffee.

Demi led her vulnerable daughter over to the table where Jill, Hollie & and Natalie were already sat.

The three of them gave Demi a concerned look when they saw the state Evie was in.

She was as pale as a ghost and clinging to Demi's side.

They hadn't seen Evie like this in a long time. She had spent the majority of the tour trying to convince them all she was growing up and a lot more independent.

Demi shook her head discreetly at them to assure them everything was ok.

Demi made sure Evie was seated in a chair before sitting down herself and picking up a menu. By doing so she let go of Evie's hand, causing the small girl to whimper at the loss of contact.

Demi heard her but didn't react to it. She wanted to try and show Evie that everything was real and she was in fact alive.

"What do you want baby?" Demi asked

Evie turned to look at her mother but shook her head in response to her question.

"Want mommy to order for you?"

The three other women at the table looked up again at the mention of the word 'mommy' Evie had taken to calling Demi mom for ages now and it was strange for them to hear the term 'mommy' when Ebony wasn't around.

Evie nodded this time and moved out of her chair to climb on Demi's lap.

Evie was scared and confused at how nobody else was reacting to Demi's sudden appearance.

It couldn't have just been a dream.

It felt way too real.

Even if it was a dream she needed to be close to Demi now.

She needed constant reassurance that she was there. She knew now how painful it would be if anything ever did really happen to her mom.

Demi reacted to Evie's clinginess by securely wrapping her arms around her baby's small waist.

She ordered food for them both and joined in the conversation with her team.

She looked down at Evie when she felt her daughters hand move to grip hold of her shirt. This is something she hadn't done in an extremely long time.

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