Airport time :)

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*2 weeks later*

Demi POV

It's been two weeks now since ebony has come out of hospital, her wounds have nearly fully healed, although her ribs are still really sensitive.

It's Sunday morning and it's very very early for me to be up! But this morning me, naya and ebony are leaving for our holiday. I am so exited. We are going to a little resort in Spain for two whole weeks. It's very quite so me and naya won't be recognised. I cannot wait to spend some time with ebony away from everything, I really want to give her some time to be herself and relax. Naya has been around a lot lately and her and ebony have gotten really close, they have such a sweet relationship. Naya loves ebony and has even gotten good at calming her down and getting her to eat.

It's 6am and all our suitcases are in the hallway ready for max to put them in the car. I'm all ready and so is naya, she's just gone upstairs to get ebony up and ready. Ebby has been having terrible nightmares and flashbacks about what happened to her, she wakes up almost every night crying and shaking. She hasn't slept in her own bed once on her own, either me or naya have always been with her. I'm hoping this holiday will relax her enough to let her sleep properly. I'm also hoping she will sleep on the plane as well. She says she has never been on a plane so god only knows how she will react.

Naya POV

I enter ebony's room and see her tossing and turning for like the fourth time in one night.

"Hey baba" i say as I climb on the bed and lie next to her. I sit her up slightly and pull her into me so she knows I'm here and she can wake up properly.

"M-mummy" she cries into my chest.

I move her hair out of her eyes and rub her back in an attempt to calm her down.

"Shhh baba, mummy's downstairs. It's ok I'm here"

"Naya, make it stop"

"Make what stop sweetheart?"

"The b-bad dreams" she stutters

"Aww baby, I would if I could. But now you need to wake up a bit more and get all exited because we're going to Spain" I tell her excitedly as I start tickling her

Demi had left the clothes that she wanted her to wear out on her chair. I lift ebony out of bed and stand her up on the floor. I dress her in little denim shorts and a floral print top. She has little white frilly socks on with her little converse. I put her white cardigan in my hand luggage incase she gets cold later.

"Come here babe so I can do your hair" I sit her on the chair in front of the mirror and proceed to brush her long wavy blonde hair. I style it in two pigtails and tie little pink ribbons around each.

"Right misses you're ready, go and see mummy downstairs"

"Tank you Naya"

"You're welcome cutie"

Demi POV

I look up and see ebby slowly walking down the stairs, she looks adorable. She is followed by Naya who as per usual looks amazing. Now ebony was ready and we only had to leave in twenty minutes it's time to get her to eat something. He eating habits have become so bad at the minute, she refuses to feed herself so every meal time me or Naya have to help her. It's easier to feed her soft things like oatmeal and soup, she really hates eating anything solid. But we also found out recently that ebony has a very mild form of autism, that shouldn't effect her in later life but it means at the moment she needs extra help with things children her age can do. She gets frustrated having all these emotions that she just can't control.

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