She's gonna hate me

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Ebony's POV

I must admit after telling demi everything I do feel better, I don't think she'll hurt me I do trust her properly now but I still don't like the fact she makes me eat.
She's in the kitchen now cooking tea. She said we were having sausage and mash. I'm not going to lie, I'm scared I know that what happened earlier will be repeated.

"Ebby, tea's ready, come on into the kitchen" demi shouted

As I'm walking into the kitchen I can feel my legs shaking beneath me, I reach the kitchen and demi pats the chair next to where she's sat. I walk a little closer to the table then freeze. I start shaking my head, I can't get my words out, I can feel my breathing getting quicker and quicker.

"Ebby, breath with me sweetie, come on nice deep breaths" I can feel Demi's hands on my shoulders guiding me to the table. She sits me down then returns to her seat.
"Demi I can't" my voice cracks and I can feel the tears filling up in my eyes.
"Ebony look at me" demi puts her finger under my chin and lifts my head so that our eyes meet.

"I haven't given you much, I know there's no point me giving you loads to eat at first because I know from experience that that doesn't work. I'm right here next to you, I just need you to try for me baby"

I didn't say anything; I picked up my fork and began to eat. I looked down at my plate and noticed demi had cut up my sausage into little pieces, she was acting like a little mum to me and I was so grateful to her. She was right, she hadn't put loads on my plate but after a few mouthfuls I was really starting to struggle. Tears were freely flowing down my cheeks, I couldn't stop them. Demi put her hand on mine that was resting on the table and began to rub circles on the back of my hand with her thumb.
"shhhh baby, its ok, you're doing so well keep going"

Demi's POV
She was shaking her head at me again, so keeping hold of her hand I took the fork off her and began feeding her like I had done earlier today, when I can see she's starting to struggle this method seems to work to get her to eat a bit more. I know she isn't a baby but she needs proper looking after and I'm determined to do that.
After I while I could tell she'd really had enough
"No, no more please" she cried at me
"Ok baby no more, I promise" looking down at her plate I realise she's eaten enough for now, she hadn't finished what I'd put out for her and even that wasn't a lot but she'd eaten and that's all that counts.
"I need to use the bathroom" she said and got up to move, I quickly took hold of her and placed her back on her seat.
"No ebony, you're staying with me while I finish my dinner"
She put her head on the table, I could see her little body trembling but I couldn't let her go and throw up.

"I'm sorry baby but you need to get better and I can tell how much you hate me for doing this to you but I'm doing it for your own good" I told her as I started rubbing her back.
"I don't hate you, it's just so hard"
"Come here baby girl" I say whilst holding my arms out for her.

She climbs up onto my lap and curls into me. Her breathing is still a bit all over the place.
"Ebby, baby breath with me, come on match my breathing" she does and eventually calms down.
"Come on, bath time" I stand up still holding eb. She wraps her legs around my waist and rests her head on my shoulder. It's been such a long day for her it's no wonder she's worn out.

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