Episode 1

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Demi's POV-

I wake up in the morning by my alarm buzzing in my ear, I groan and roll over switching it off hearing my mom shouting up to me. I find all the energy I can and climb out of bed walking into my bathroom. I do my usual routine and walk downstairs into the kitchen where my mom just placed some fruit pancakes on the counter where I take a seat grabbing my fork and stabbing them.

"Morning Demi." My mom greets.

"Morning mom." I greet back.

"I think we should talk." She demands and I sigh knowing what's coming.

"You shouldn't get close to anyone." She says and I sigh, sure I love doing what I do but sometimes it gets in the way.

"I know, I'll try." I admit and she nods. You see I'm Demi Lovato, the world famous pop star, and I'm about to go to a public school, my mom seems to think that I'm becoming a bit 'big for my boots.' I don't think I am but I don't mind going to school, it will be good to see how other people my own age live life, I got a chance to do my dream but unfortunately not everyone can have that chance. I hope they treat like me  normal person, I can't be doing with being treated different just because I'm famous. I finish off my very nice breakfast and set off in my car, it's a lovely drive to the school and when I arrive there it looks beautiful. Green healthy grass covers the school like a blanket with small flower beds making a small pattern which I'm surprised hasn't been destroyed by these teenagers. I park my car and climb out locking it behind me, I decided to come later to avoid other students which the principle thought was a good idea. I've been to see the principle before so I know where I'm going for once.

 I make my way to the principal's office where I get told to go straight in. I walk to the door seeing it's been named with a small golden plaque with is engraved with the name Mrs. Lee. 

"Hello Demi, take a seat." I sit down after greeting her back.

"It's exciting to be here." I admit making her smile.

"How long has it been since you went to a public school?" She asks making me think.

"Probably about 5 years." I answer and she nods.

"Anyway you'll have fun here, not trying to brag but were a great school." I laugh a bit.

"It looks amazing already."

"That is thanks to our gardener. Here is all the stuff you will need to survive here." I laugh as she passes me a folder, I presume with my lessons, a map, my locker combination until I change it.


"You're welcome, have fun and you can come and see me if anything happens." She says leading me out of the door into the seating area and to a girl who just stood up and shook my hand. "This is Selena, she is one of our best students, she will be giving you a tour of our site during first lesson." She says and I nod smiling to Selena, she looks nice. 

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