Episode 18

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Demi's POV-

We reach my house after stopping off at Sel's to drop her off. I walk through the door taking my shoes off and hanging my bag up. I lead Joe into the kitchen once he's done the same, we greet my parents and soon the attention turns to Joe who's checking his twitter. Once he's on he turns to me and shows me his phone, I grab it and begin reading through tweets he's had sent, some are nice saying he should choose me over the dog he was kissing, that's a bit harsh on Sel! But others are death threats which makes me angry. I look up at Joe who sighs and leaves walking out into the backyard, I was about to go after him but my parents stop me.

"Give him time Demi, he's not used to all this." My mom says and I nod sighing placing his phone on the counter.

"We do need to do something about this though, especially for Joe but for your reputation too." My dad explains and I agree.

"He said he would think about going on a interview with me but he's a great player and if he wants to make out there he's gotta get used to this." 

"Does he sing?" My mom questions and I nod.

"He can play a few instruments and writes amazing songs." 

"Have you maybe thought him being on your next tour? I heard the song you wrote together and it's great, I just presumed you wrote it." My dad suggests and I smile. 

"I'll talk to him and you know he wrote most of the song, I just helped." We carrying on talking about Joe so I can give him some space then I walk out of the backdoor into the garden. I scan the garden seeing if I can spot him, I just notice a movement from behind a tree. I walk over and take a seat opposite him.

"You okay?" I ask and he nods sniffing, I can tell he's holding back tears. I smile and hold his hands creasing my thumb over the top. 

"Joe do you want to be a musician when your older?" I ask and he looks up at me.

"I don't know what I wanna do." He admits and I nod.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to be my support act on my next tour?" I suggest trying to cheer him up a bit.

"Really? Why would you want that?"

"Joe your really good! You may not think you are but you honestly are."

"Thanks but I don't know, I've already had one chance and I blew it," I look at him weird and he laughs a bit. "I used to be in a band with my cousins, Nick who you met and Kevin his older brother. We realised a album called It's About Time but it didn't do well so our record label dropped us." 

"Aw I'm sure you were great but if you're by yourself you may do better." I exclaims and he smiles thanking me. I bring up the subject of this interview, I think it's a good idea so everyone knows the truth, I don't want to see him hurt and I don't want to lose any of my lovatics over it, I love them. I try to convince him because he doesn't seem to like the idea much and it works, he eventually agrees which is good because I don't want anyone to know about us until I know we're going to be together for a long time and it's not just one of those things. We go back inside and tell my parents we will be doing it and my dad wonders off trying to find someone that can have us soon. I lead Joe up to my bedroom so we can begin doing homework.


2 comments until I update

5 comments and I will post part of the episode I'm writing now as a sneak peek  

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