Episode 85

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"Noah get here!" Demi screams as her son runs around the house butt naked as Demi attempts to try and get him dressed. He giggles and just carries on running, Demi shakes her head laughing at how nuts her son is and he knows who he got that from. Demi eventually catches up with him grabbing sitting him down on the couch, he just gives up and allows his mom to dress him. It's been 4 months since Joe went into rehab and she must admit she has missed him, missed him too much even though every day she stands outside the rehab centre after researching they only realise cured people between 1-2 in the afternoon, it's something to do with for the people who have difficulties with change, sets a schedule, they never had any of that when she was there except she weren't at this one. She wants to be there when he is realised, meet him at the gates and beg for him to take her back, she now realises how much she is in love with him. She finishes dressing Noah and makes him breakfast with Cece who's eyes are connected on the TV, there is no way her focus will change. She then takes a seat on the couch for a well needed rest, she places her hand over her bump holding her baby which she can meet in just a couple of months. She doesn't even know the gender, he or she is turned the wrong way not that she would like to know, not without Joe. The pregnancy has been fair to her unlike the last pregnancy but she has had more time to relax.

Sel wonders down the stairs smiling like a idiot a couple of hours later. She strolls into the kitchen putting some bread in the toaster and pouring herself a glass of orange juice, she smiles up at Demi who is smiling back.

"Guess the date went well then?" Demi questions taking a sip of her orange juice.

"It was amazing he's such a sweet guy! He asked me to be his girlfriend finally." Sel exclaims and Demi laughs slightly.

"I wonder what Joe will think about you dating his cousin." Demi jokes and Sel smacks her playfully. Sel and Nick had been on a couple of dates by now but last night Nick make their relationship real. Sel had been crushing on him since they danced at the prom and was ecstatic when he asked her out on a date but she knows they'll never get anywhere as cute as Joe and Demi used to be and she just hopes she gets to see that side of them again.

"Can you look after these monkeys while I go to the centre?" Demi questions and Sel nods knowing she would do anything. When Demi was in rehab she was in a shorter time then this with more problems which is just making Demi worry for about him but they would have been told if anything serious happens.

Joe packs the last of his clothes in his bag placing it against the door, he's kind of sad to be leaving because he's met amazing people and made so many friends but he's happy to see everyone again, even if it's not Demi. He is just hope she's been looking after his child inside of her while he's been away but he trusts her enough to, he's just upset he hasn't been there for her through the pregnancy. He's thankful his family have supported him and it seems like fans have as well sending him cards through the mail for him to get better, he's determined to make it up to them somehow. He pulls his arms through the sleeves of his jacket and sits on his bed for one of the nurses to come through and dismiss him.

"I'll miss your company." His roommate Luke says and Joe gives him a warm smile.

"Just get better then we can see each other again." They have a small conversation until a nurse walks in allowing Joe to leave once he's signed some papers. He does as he's told swinging his bag over his shoulder walking out the automatic doors to a sight he hasn't seen in a couple of months, reporters taking pictures of him. He sighs and walks out the gate hearing people following him asking him how he is and if he's okay now but he heard a certain voice that stopped her in his tracks, he turns around seeing the love of his life stood there with a huge bump and tears running down her cheeks.


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