Episode 36

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The car journey was long but we finally hit back home, I take Demi to her house and help her unpack her stuff from the trunk before saying bye and heading to my house. I reach my house and take all my bags out of the trunk walking in and putting them down, my mom walks in and gives me a hug.

"Did you have fun?" She asks.

"Yep, she managed to write the song too." I tell her pulling away.

"Well I decided your never leaving home because I missed you way too much," I groan and she laughs grabbing my hand. "Follow me." She leads me into the living room where I see my Grandparents watching TV, I smile and sit in-between them giving them both a hug.

"Hey Gran and Grandpa." I greet pulling away from my Gran.

"Hello Joseph, how's my favourite 1st Grandson?" My grandpa says making me laugh, he's always said I'm his first favourite Grandson, even when I was little and thought it was unfair. Frankie and I are their only Grandchildren since my mom is a only child so we do get spoilt a bit, I have cousins on my dad's side where I'm not the oldest, Kevin is. I begin having a conversation about what I've been up to until my mom comes in with drinks handing us one.

"Have you told Gran and Grandpa about Demi?" She asks.

"Who's Demi?" my Gran questions.

"She's my girlfriend." I explain and get more hugs.

"My baby boy has grown up and started kissing girls!" My mom exclaims and I groan. 

"Leave me alone, I'm off to bed." I say standing up and walking upstairs letting them talk about me, I really don't care though.

I walk into school the next morning with Sel just getting away from the paparazzi, I don't know whether they know I've been signed or what but they seem to be going after me more. We take the journey down the halls to our lockers and put things we don't need in and taking stuff we do need out. I haven't told anything about what happened during the weekend, were not going to until it's for sure she's actually pregnant. To be honest I'm looking forward to being a dad whether it's by the end of the year or in 5 years, I want to be a dad that's for sure. I'm sure we'll cope if she is pregnant, by the time he or she is born we would have both graduated and just working on new music, it isn't as if we will be going to school or anything. I know it will be extremely hard though but I'm prepared!

"What you thinking about?" Sel says butting me out of my thoughts.

"Nothing important." I tell her and she nods.

"Did you have fun at weekend?" She asks and I nod.

"Demi managed to write the song and it's good so that's a plus side." I explain.

"Hey losers." I hear turning around seeing Kyle stood there with Nick and his other mates, I sigh knowing I haven't been bothered by him since before Christmas.

"Go away Kyle." Sel tells him harshly 

"No, are you gonna make me? I'll do what I want." He says beginning to poke me hard repeatedly in one spot which quite hurts.

"Quit it." I say pushing his hand away.

"Come on Kyle, leave him alone and come to my locker with me." Nick tell him dragging him away thankfully!


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