Episode 59

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Sel's POV-  

I rush into the hospital with my mom and up the stairs quickly searching for floor 4 which is where intensive care is.

"Sel slow down, we're not all fit and young like you." My mom complains and I wipe my falling tears.

"I'll just meet you there." I tell her setting up faster. I was just enjoying my nice breakfast when we got a visit Joe's mom, she got a call from the hospital saying Joe and Demi had crashed on the way to the hospital. It wouldn't be so bad if it was just Joe and Demi but Demi is carrying 2 babies which means 4 life's are at risk, 2 of them being before they've already starting living. I rush down the corridor and give Denise a big hug seeing she is in so much pain which I don't blame her. I share hugs with the whole family as well as Demi's just as my mom joins us also sharing hugs. I take a seat next to Denise who is struggling to hold back tears, she says she has cried too much. 

"How are they?" Dare I ask?" Denise takes a deep breath.

"Joe is in surgery mending a broken leg but other than that he should be fine other than a few cuts and bruises and a bit of shock. The car hit Demi's side so she has got it much worse, they've had to do a emergency C-section to get the babies out so we don't know if they will survive or not. There's no telling what condition she will be in after they've taken the twins out though." She explains and I inhale a deep breath taking the horrible news in. The wait was horrible, it felt like a lifetime until the doctor comes down joining us at a seat.

"Alright Joseph has come out of surgery, he just needs to come back around from the local anesthetic and he should be fine. Demi on the other hand, we managed to get her twins out and they're breathing fine through a tube in the baby centre but Demi had gone into a coma and were not sure how long it will last since she's not very stable." He explains and we carry on crying, Demi's parents a little more than us. Does this mean Demi could die?

"Can we see them?" Denise questions.

"You can see Joe but Demi is recovering from the C-section so in a hour or 2 you can see her," He begins and carries on. "Someone needs to tell Joe about Demi, we figured it would be better if someone close to him did it." We agree and ask any other questions we have before Denise and I make our way to Joe's room just down the hall, we decided us two would tell him alone which I'm really not looking forward to. We take a seat next to Joe's bed and I look at him sleeping if that's what you want to call it. The room is silent besides the sound of Joe's light breathing, his heart machine and a few sobs coming from either Denise or I. This is heart breaking. It takes about 5 minutes before Joe to come around, once we see him shuffling Denise grabs his hand and he opens his eyes. I don't think he's been awake since the crash happened so he has no idea what's happening.

"What happened?" He mumbles moving his free hand to his head. 

"You were in a car crash, your leg is broken." I explain to him making him sit up quickly.

"What about Demi?" He questions making his mom sit him back down.

"Relax Joseph we have some news." He looks up at us with hopeful eyes explaining what happened to Demi and what condition she is in watching his face get more and more upset after every word we say. He begins crying hysterically making us both give him a big well needed hug.


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