Episode 30

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It's the next day and I'm about to meet up with my music producer, Demi will be coming with me since she needs to speak to him anyway. Demi says he's really nice so I shouldn't really have a problem with anything. I can't believe my dream is coming true just because I met Demi and we got a music assignment together, I can't imagine what it would be like if I never even met Demi. My mom's been going crazy now she knows Demi is my girlfriend, she says she's waited for me to get a girlfriend for years which I have no idea why, maybe she just wants rid of me. We decided that we weren't going to tell Demi's parents yet since her mom is worried about her getting close to anyone, not that it's her choice, Demi should be able to be friends with whoever she likes, did she expect to go to public school and not find any friends? I put my I pad down and on charge, I then walk to the door and open it revealing my wonderful girlfriend.

"Hey Demi." I greet.

"Hi Joe, you ready?" She asks and I nod grabbing my bag.

We reach the studio and walk in going through the snake like corridors before we reach the studio. Demi knocks on the wooden door and it soon opens to a middle aged man, he gives Demi a hug and shakes my hand. We enter the room all sitting down, Demi asks him the question she wanted to. Demi then leaves giving us some privacy.

"I heard I had some competition getting you." He says and I laugh.

"Yeah there were 5 others but Demi convinced me to come here." I admit.

"What was it like finding out 6 producers wanted to sign you?" He inquires and I take a deep breath remembering that day which was less than a week ago.

"Unbelievable really."

"Well just like Demi I don't think we should do anything until your graduate, I just want you to focus on school before we do anything." He explains.

"I understand and it's a good idea." I say in agreement.

"Good, I will call you nearer the time, good luck with school and everything."

"Thanks." We talk for a couple of minutes then I leave closing the door behind me. I look down at Demi who's looking up at me with hopeful eyes.

"So?" She questions.

"I'm starting after gradation so I can concentrate on school."

"That's great!" She exclaims hugging me, I hug her back and we pull away moments later heading towards my car. We both climb in and head towards my house, once we reach there we go straight up to my room laying on the bed. I lean down and kiss her instantly turning it into a make out session which soon gets interrupted.  

"EW stop making babies!" We hear and pull away seeing my little brother at the door, we burst out laughing as he runs off.

"He's so cute." She says and I laugh. We begin talking but get interrupted yet again.

"I hope you're not making babies." She lectures and we laugh a bit again.

"Were not mom, don't worry." I say hoping she can trust me enough.

"Just remember what I gave you last night." She warns and I sigh.

"Yes mom." I say and she leaves. Demi looks at me and I know what she's going to say. "She brought me some protection." I tell her and she burst out laughing, she's adorable.


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