Episode 25

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"Oh that's Sel, my best friend." I explain and Lee gives her a wave as she gives one back.

"Does she want to talk?" I look up at Sel seeing her head shaking, I take this opportunity to annoy my best friend.

"I think she does." I answer getting up and running after Sel who started herself, I catch up to her and pick her up throwing her on my shoulder.

"Joe put me down!" She begins screaming smacking my back for me to put her down.

"Um nope." I say and run back to the stage area, I sit her on the couch next to Demi and stand up straight everyone laughing at me.

"Smart plan genius where are you gonna sit?" She complains and I move and sit on Kyle's knee making everyone laugh again.

"In your face." I tease sticking my tongue out at her.

"As much as I love you Joe you're not staying there, bring another chair in someone!" He instructs and a chair soon comes on its way which I take a seat on. 

"You are one strange person Joseph." Demi tells me and I give her the look.

"So what's your full name?" Lee asks.

"Joseph Adam Jonas." I reply. 

"Yours Sel?"

"Selena Marie Gomez."

"I think everyone knows Demi's."

"Demi Devonne Lovato!" The crowd chant making all of us laugh. The interview goes by everyone getting to know me and Sel a bit more. I just thought if I bring Sel up on stage people will believe we are just friends because I'm still getting some hate saying I should be with Demi and not Sel when it is actually the truth! We finish off and go to the dressing rooms where I get a punch from Sel for taking her onto the interview. We mess about for a bit and I get changed meeting Demi outside the dressing room.

"How long does it take?! I'm the girl here." She exclaims and we both laugh, I give her a quick hug and a kiss on the head.

"Sorry, you ready?" I ask and she nods, I wrap my arms around both of their shoulders and they laugh, I love these girls. We walk outside into the car and drive off, luckily the paparazzi couldn't get into where the car was parked. I get into my house quietly so I don't disturb my little brother and put my bags down, I expect everyone will be in bed so I must be quiet. I make my way into the kitchen where my mom is stirring something in a pan on the stove. 

"Oh hey mom, why aren't you in bed."

"Thought I'd wait up for my soon to be famous son." She says smiling wide turning me confused, very confused. 

"What do you mean?" I ask and she walks to be holding my hands.

"I've had calls, plenty of calls." She explains.

"Who and why?" I question still confused.

"Music producers."

"What have I done wrong with Demi now." I groan and she laughs.

"It's not about Demi Joe."

"Then what?" I question again.

"They want to sign you Joe!" She exclaims and my eyes widen.


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