Episode 44

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It takes a slow 2 hours for Joe to wake up still looking a little bit rough but I don't blame him to be quite honest.

"What happened?" He groans and I giggle a bit.

"You fainted again." He sighs and holds his head.

"I can't do this anymore Demi, it's stressing me out." He complains and I agree.

"That's why I'm going to ask if you want to move into our own house? We get away from family who a pressuring us into something we don't want to plus it will be easier when he or she is born." I suggest seeing him smile.

"I like the idea but one problem, what about paparazzi? They're gonna know something is going on if we've moved in together," That is a good point, I begin thinking about a way around it if there even is one. "What about if Sel moves in with us? We could just say were a bunch of friends moving in together." 

"That's a good idea, I'll go see if she wants to, you stay right there and don't move!" I instruct and he sighs nodding. I don't move like Joe so I decide to go the long way around rather than over the veranda. I reach the door and it opens revealing Sel, I ask if I could speak to her and she nods letting me in and up to her room which by the way is amazing! I begin explaining what happened to Joe just a few hours ago and our solution and problem with the solution asking if she does want to move in with us.

"That sounds fun but I will have to ask my mom." She says and I nod in agreement, she rushes downstairs seeing if she can catch her mom before she leaves for work. I hope she can because it will be even more fun living with her as well as Joe since we're all good friends plus we don't have to really worry about money with my job and Joe's future career.

"My mom said yes!" She exclaims walking in, we both squeal hugging each other. "But if she sees were beginning to struggle I have to move back in with her." She explains pulling away.

"I suppose that's the right thing to do anyway." I say and she nods.

"Are you going back to Joe's?" She asks.

"Yep, you coming?" She nods and we leave making sure to lock the door since nobody is in. We walk back up to Joe's having a little chat with Frankie on the way. We walk into Joe's room seeing him playing with his I pad.

"Hey roomies!" Sel screams making us laugh.

"See I stayed where I am like a good boy." Joe teases and we sit around him on his bed.

"Have you actually asked your parents yet?" Sel asks.

"Nope and were not, we just want them of our backs." I explain.

"Alright if were living together we need some rules!" Sel begins "No funny business! I don't want to be waking up at 1am hearing you two going at it and I don't want to walk into a random room seeing the pair of you making out!" She exclaims and we both laugh.

"I promise I won't but I'm not so sure about Demi, she may look innocent but in reality she's a..." Joe begins getting interrupted by Sel.

"Don't even finish that sentence!" She exclaims pointing to him making me laugh. 

"I was just going to say she isn't, you always presume I'm gonna say something dirty." He complains and I laugh again but with Sel this time.

"That's because you were!" I call out and he rolls his eyes. 

"See! I'm not the only one that sees it, so does your girlfriend."


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