Episode 58

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~2 months later~

Joe's POV-

It's been a relaxing 2 months with not worrying at school, all we've basically done is work on music for our upcoming albums and prepare for our children to arrive. It's really not that long away now and I can't wait to finally meet them, it seems like a lifetime they've been in there and they finally need to come out and say hello. I plan to look after them until they no longer need me, even when that time comes I will still be there for them whenever they need it. I climb into the car on the way to another hospital appointment after helping Demi into the car, I start up the car engine and begin driving the 10 minute drive to the hospital.

"Since it's getting close can we pick some names?" Demi questions.

"We don't know what were having yet." I tell her and she shrugs placing her hand on her bump, I smile knowing how good of a mom she is gonna be.

"That's why we come up with 2 girls name and 2 boys names, we will pick our favourite of the two in case we have one of each." I nod and we stay in silence beginning to think of names, I've got plenty of girls names but I'm quite fussy with boys names. 

"How about Ceceila Rose for one of the girls but?" Demi questions and I smile.

"I like that and Cece for short." I admit and she smiles too.

"What about girl names for you?" She asks me.

"Um Kaylee Jade," I say and she agrees. "Toby James for a boy?" I suggest and she smiles.

"I like that! We could call him TJ." She says and I smile too laughing a bit.

"Are you sure about that?" I question and she nods.

"That's if your okay with calling him that of course."

"I don't mind at all." I tell her, since I picked that name I will let her pick the next one even though I have a couple in my mind already. It takes about 5 minutes for her to come up with something but she does.

"Jack William?" She questions and I smile.

"I love it." I reply.

"Looks like we just named our children!" She exclaims and I carry on smiling. 

"Looks like we have." We then carry on driving along the road talking about random things, just about like what we want to do this week since we have plenty of spare time on our hands. We've spent a lot of time looking at parenting tips on the internet because Demi said it would help but to be honest I don't believe in any of these tips. I believe it's all about natural instinct, you can't train someone to be a good parent, depends if the parent want to spend time with their child or not. We're not going to be perfect parents first time and if we even decide to have more we will still not be perfect. You learn from your mistakes and that's what life if all about. All I know is these twins are very lucky to have a mom like Demi, she's so caring and I know she will try her best to give these children the best life possible just the same as I will. I stop at a red light and take the opportunity to lean over and give Demi a quick peck on her soft plumb lips.

"I love you." I tell her honestly.

"I love you too." She replies through a smile. The lights turn back to green and I set off again, just before I reach the end of the junction. I feel a massive impact on my body, especially my leg. Everything turns black making the pain go away. 


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