Episode 2

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I walk out into the corridor with Selena who is about to give me a tour of the building, it must be big if it's going to take a whole lesson.

"Selena is a lovely name." I admit making her look up at me.

"Thanks, you can call me Sel though if you'd like, it's what all my friends call me." She says and I nod, it really is a nice name.

"How many friends do you have?" I ask

"This is the maths area," She says pointing to the classrooms and then answering my question. "I don't really have many friends, I guess I'm unpopular. I have a few guy friends like Joe, he's been my best friend for years, our mom's were friends when we were little so we kinda grew up with each other, living next to each other helped." She explains and I nod.

"I don't know why you would be unpopular, you're a beautiful girl." I admit and she smiles.

"Thanks, so are you." She approved making me smile too, I have the money to buy the expensive make-up and curlers.

"You know sometimes I wish I could just go out in sweats but apparently that isn't acceptable for the media." I say and she laughs. 

"I bet." She gives me a tour of all the lessons but the science area which is where were heading, we reach the building and walk along the corridors.

"Hey look there's Joe." She says and I look straight ahead seeing a average height boy in I guess what is fashionable for boys to wear, he's carrying a medium sized brown box. Sel calls after him making him turn around, he looks at me and begins running around the corner, I don't know why, probably in a rush.

"Sorry, he's kinda a fan and shy around people other than I guess everyone but you." She comments making me laugh a bit, how sweet. We start walking again until we hear a crash, we both rush around the corner seeing Joe getting up off the floor, Sel rushes over and I follow, she helps him up.

"You okay Joseph?" She asks.

"Don't call me Joseph and I'm fine." Sel grabs his hand seeing a massive piece of glass poking in the palm of his hand making blood dribble down his arm.

"What was in there?" Sel says looking in as I do too revealing broken glass from when he fell, probably something for chemistry.

"You need to go to the nurse, what teacher did you have?" Sel asks and he sighs.

"Mr. Johnson." He replies making Sel turn to me.

"Remember where the nurse's office is?" She ask and I think about it nodding. "Could you take him there while I go take this box to Mr. Johnson, we will meet back here." She questions and I nod looking back at Joe who was looking at me, once he sees me looking back at him he glances away.

"Come on Joe." I say starting to walk with him following.

"Should I pull it out?" He asks and I quickly grab his wrist.

"Don't, you'll make it worse." He agrees and we carry on walking, I realise I'm holding his wrist and let go blushing a bit, he's not really bad looking to be honest but I promised my mom not to get close to anyone which includes having boyfriends. We reach the office and the nurse looks up at us seeing me and smile shaking my hand, I guess I'll have to get used to this. Turns out Joe visits the nurse quite often which makes me laugh a bit.


Don't you just love how they met hehe  

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