Episode 63

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I only got 1 comment but I'm updating anyway. Well I got 3 comments but from 1 person.


"Come on Joe you need to get up," Sel lectures opening the curtains. "Gosh I feel like your mother." Joe lets out a groan flipping the covers over him lifting his legs to lean over the side of the bed, Sel rushes to him and helps him stand up.

"I can do it myself." Joe states kissing her forehead.

"You're so stubborn at times." Sel states  and Joe chuckles a bit. They both wonder downstairs, Joe taking longer than Sel but he got there. They both sit down and begin eating some cereal talking about random things, Sel is feeling happy that Joe seems a bit better now than he did yesterday, the doctors realised him from hospital that night since there was nothing else wrong with him about from a broken heart. He will be going today to see his son and daughter as well as their mother. He doesn't want to give anyone the names they thought of before they crashed in case Demi looks at them thinking a different name would suit him and her.

"What time are you visiting?" Sel asks.

"I might go after this and relax after lunch." Joe admits slurping up his milk.

"You want help changing again?" Sel asks blushing a bit which Joe just laughs at making Sel slap him on his chest. 

"I'll be able to put my boxers on, I'll call you to help me with my pants." Joe says and Sel nods watching him walk out up the stairs.

Joe rushes into the hospital as fast as he can on his crutches getting away from the paparazzi who are going wild asking what's happened but Joe isn't ready to tell anyone yet, he still hasn't got used to the fact he won't see her awake for god knows how long. He gives a wave to the receptionist who gave him a wave rushing over wanting to catch him before her rushes off to see Demi.

"You okay today?" She asks and he nods. "We've tried to keep them away from the hospital but as you can see it hasn't really worked."

"It's fine, if they get too close I'll whack them with my crutch," She laughs and Joe smiles. "You know how she is?" Joe questions.

"I asked knowing you would ask me," She begins making Joe laugh. "She's been fine since the incident, nothings improved but nothing has certainly gotten better."

"I guess that's good to hear." Joe admits.

"Anyway I'll let you see her." She says before darting over to her desk, Joe shakes his head before making his way up to her room. He knocks on the door seeing through the window a nurse was there, he sees the door open getting a warm smile as a greet, Joe hops through before laying his eyes on his girlfriend he loves so much.

"I put the chair out for you to sit down, ring the bell if you need anything." The nurse comments before walking out shutting the door behind her. Joe takes a seat instantly grabbing hold of Demi's hand gently needing the comfort, she just looks in so much pain and it hurts Joe knowing he can't do anything about it but spend as much time as he can with her. The problem with that is Joe is also in pain with his leg so it's hard to get about with the burning pain in his leg. Joe must have spent a good hour with Demi just in complete silence in his thoughts before he got disturbed by a knock on the door making him jump slightly.

"Come in!" He shouts but not too loudly not wanting to disturb Demi although it wouldn't and he also didn't want to get up. The nurse walks and gives him a warm smile.

"You want to come see babies? It's feeding time so we could show you a few techniques in case you have to take them home before Demi wakes up." Joe glances down at Demi before nodding carefully standing up on his leg. He didn't want to hold either of them before Demi had but I suppose right now he doesn't have a choice, he has to in case Demi doesn't wake up in time and he only has the help from Sel.


You should know I've just about finished the story, it should end on Episode 90 :)


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