Episode 29

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We spend the rest of the cuddling on the bed talking about random things, I still learn amazing things about my boyfriend even though we've been together for just over a month but I hope I still learn things about him in 10 years whether were still together or just friends.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks knocking me out of my thoughts.

"Nothing really." I reply looking up at him.

"Come on tell me." He begs and I laugh.

"I was just thinking about how much I don't know about you." I admit and he smiles.

"You have plenty of time to figure that out as long as you want me." I smile and lean on his shoulder, if I feel like this within a month I can't imagine how I will feel in 5 years. We carry on talking for 5 or 10 minutes before we hear the front door go showing us Joe's family is back. It really doesn't take long for Joe's little brother to come running in.

"Joe look at me new toy!" He exclaims and I laugh as he runs to the bed. "Hi Demi!"

"Hey Frankie." I reply and Joe picks him up placing him on the end of the bed.

"Let's have a look at this new toy then." He says and Frankie passes him a small car.

"This is cool! Why don't you put it with your others?" Joe suggests and Frankie nods running out , he's so cute and the only cuter thing is how great Joe is with him.

Joe's POV-

I grab Demi's hand and help her off the bed, I give her a quick kiss on the lips and keep hold of her hand. I lead her downstairs not letting go of her hand as we reach the bottom of the stairs when I do let go. I walk into the kitchen where my mom is packing away groceries into cupboards, I grab a apple and take a bite out of it.

"Hey mom."

"Hello Joseph and Demi." She greets back.

"Can you remember when you figured out I had a girlfriend but I wouldn't tell you who she is?" I question taking another bite of this delicious apple.

"Yeah can I guess?" She begins and doesn't even let me give her a answer before she carries on. "Is it that cute blonde we saw at the mall when I made you blush? Is it Sel?"

"What no!" I exclaim and she laughs along with Demi. 

"Who is it then?" She asks.

"Mom is Demi, the girl who's been standing next to me the whole time."

"Aw how sweet." She says giving us both a hug. "Oh you should see baby pictures of Joe! Come on!" She exclaims grabbing Demi's hand and dragging her into the living room. I just I sigh and grab 2 water bottles following them.

"This one was on Joe's 1st birthday." I shake my head and sit next to Demi passing her a water bottle, to be honest I'm not even embarrassed.

"Thanks, aw you were so cute." Demi teases and I laugh.

"I know, I never grew out of it either." I tease back and they both laugh. 

"Oh and this was one on the day Frankie was born, Joe holding him for the first time." Ah I remember that day, I was really excited to be getting a little brother and just wanted to help out with everything.  

"How old was you?" Demi asks.

"I just turned 12 I think."


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