Episode 35

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Joe's POV-

I wake up the next morning not feeling Demi next to me making me sigh, I don't like this feeling. I drag myself up and into the bathroom seeing Demi in the bath, I walk over and give her a kiss on her head making her open her eyes and look at me.

"Morning Gorgeous." She greets and I smile.

"Morning beautiful." I answer back walking to the toilet and going.

"Care to join me in this big bath?" She questions and I laugh at her trying to sound posh, I strip my pyjamas off and climb in with her, We begin talking about random things and just laughing and messing about, I think that's one of the best things about Demi, she can have a laugh but be serious at the same time.

"Are we going to try and write this song again?" She asks and I nod.

"I have another idea to help you." I admit and she smiles, I lean over and give her a quick kiss pulling back a few seconds later. We have a bit more time in the bath then get dried and dressed, Demi makes us some breakfast and we eat it cleaning up afterwards and then grabbing our guitars and sheet music heading into our room. I plop down on the bed and begin playing my guitar to a random tune I just thought of and Demi soon comes and joins me, we play for a bit then I put mine and Demi's guitar down on the floor beside the bed.

"So what's your idea?" She asks.

"I'll give you a scenario and you try and make a song out of it," I suggest and she nods. "Um okay, I just cheated on you with my best friend Sel." I say and she looks at me.

"You did?" She questions and I laugh knowing she can't be serious when she's having a joke. Demi shakes her head and begins thinking of lyrics but shakes her head a few minutes later.

"You met up with your old best friend from when you were little and he's hot." That failed too, after a few minutes she shook her head.

"We broke up a year ago and I keep on coming back to you pestering you to take me back." She begins thinking, after a couple of minutes her face lights up, she has a idea! She begins singing the lyrics she thought of along with the tune.

"You wanna be more than friends,

I can't go through this again,

Stop trying to get inside my head,

Don't wanna do more than hookup,

It's getting stupid, cause I shoulda known but I forgot,

That you think we're something that were not." I smile and give her a quick kiss.

"That sounds amazing!" I exclaim and she giggles that cute giggle I just love. I decide to leave her alone to write the song since my job is done, I call my mom just to let her know how things are going, we will be setting of middle afternoon to get home around 10pm ready for bed and school the next day. My mom says she has a surprise for me when I get back home which just makes me want to get back there even more. Demi finishes her song of and plays it for me which by the way was amazing! We then have lunch and begin packing reading for leaving as soon as possible, once we've packed we set of hoping to get home a little earlier.

"Thanks Joe, I had a lot of fun." She tells me and I smile.

"You're welcome, I had fun too." I reply and she leans over kissing my cheek.


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