Episode 67

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Joe rushes into the hospital after being told as he walked off stage the hospital phoned saying they were cutting off Demi's life support. They warned him it was soon and they would call right before they would do it, mainly to prevent him from stopping them.

"Joe slow down!" Denise commands but Joe ignores her rushing up the stairs rather than taking the elevator, Denise decides the elevator will be better for her so looses connection with her son. Joe darts around the corner just in time to meet his mother at the elevator entrance,  he grabs onto her hand and pulls her with him to the entrance of the door peering in the window to see a empty room. His heart shatters into millions off pieces as his whole world falls down in-front of him.

"Oh Joe," Denise says as her son collapses in her arms sobbing into her shoulder. She begins rubbing his back trying her best to comfort him but knows that there's not much that she can do. "I'm sure it's just a miss understanding, sit down there and I'll go find a nurse. " Denise commands but Joe holds onto her tighter.

"Don't leave me as well mom." He wines and Denise sighs hugging him tighter again. She stands there allowing her son to cry into her until he begins calming down again, she's never seen him this much even when he's come home of a day complaining about the bullies.

"Come on let's find someone." She sayings pulling away and wiping his tears, he gives her a small  nod allowing her to take his hand.

"Relax Joe, she's fine," The receptionist assures. "She's awake so we moved her to another ward," She explains and checks on the computer where about. "Floor 6, room 27." She states looking up to see Joe gone. Denise shakes her head and thanks her slowly makes her way up to the floor not even bothering to try and catch up with her son. Joe opens the door and stands in the door way instantly seeing his girlfriend laid on the bed sleeping but she's in a different position to before so he knows she's out of the coma. A Smile can't help but creep along his face as he closes the door wanting some alone time with her, Demi begins stirring from the door closing even though Joe did it quietly.

"Joe?" She mumbles, Joe rushes over and kisses her head.

"I'm here." He assures her making her smile and move across the bed a bit so he can lay down next to her, she just wants to be in his arms again. Joe follows her command and lays down next to her wrapping his arms loosely around her.

"I missed you." Demi admits smiling up at him.

"I missed you too." He replies kissing her head again.

"You've been crying? What's wrong." Demi asks snuggling into his chest.

"Nothing is wrong, everything is perfect. Go to sleep again and get some rest." Demi soon follows his command falling asleep in his arms against his chest. It doesn't take long for Joe to fall asleep either. 

Denise and Sel appear at Demi's room Denise having met Sel on her way up here at the other end of the hospital. They peer into the window and smile at Joe and Demi sleeping on the bed in each other's arms, they're just happy they're re-united again.

"They're so cute together," Sel admits. "I gotta take a picture to tease them later on." Sel says and grabs her phone going in and taking a picture as Denise shakes her head. Denise is happy that her son is happy again and if Demi is the one who makes him happy then she's glad that she's the one that does make him happy but she can't deny how much her son has grown up in what feels like a short amount of time. She stills remember the day she brought him home on that hot August day on her anniversary and now within weeks he's turning 18. As for Jemi they're still peacefully sleeping with smiles on their faces just having each other as comfort. Joe has felt what it's like not to have her by his side every day, hearing her voice and seeing her smile. He doesn't what to have that feeling ever again, although it may happen which would break his heart even more.


2 comments/plenty of reads for next one 

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