Episode 52

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"What how?!" Demi stresses and I sigh, I can't believe she knows.

"Well I don't know for certain but I read somewhere that if you start your morning sickness early you have a boy, you're probably having boys!" She exclaims and I sigh of relief, I thought she actually knew.

"Sel they're a load of garbage." Demi tells her but she just shakes her head.

"You'll see when you pop out boys." She says and we laugh.

"Sel have you ever thought we could be having a boy and a girl?" I question and she looks up at me.

"I have to do more research! Let's get home!" She exclaims grabbing our hands and leading us out the door and to my car. I get in driver's seat while Demi and Sel climb in the back, the whole way back we were talking about how the exams went. I can assure you I will be getting a phone call from my mom tonight asking how they went. Since I moved out the stress has been better, I haven't had any parents on my back about anything. The only stress I've actually had is exams and keeping Demi as healthy as I can, she's been carving fatty stuff but I stopped her getting devil Demi at me with her hormones, it isn't good.

"Who's doing dinner tonight?" Sel inquires turning to me.

"Not Joe." Demi says and I turn to her.

"Why not?" I question.

"Because you stink at cooking, no offence." I do a fake gasp looking offended when I'm not that really. I will prove to her that I can cook! I march into the kitchen and close the door behind me, I grab a pen and paper writing on it 'Do Not Disturb', I place some blue tack and stick it on then placing it on the door. I will show them I can make something tasty without any help. 

Demi's POV-

I stare at the door seeing the note my crazy boyfriend stuck on the door, I shake my head and laugh a bit, he can be so stupid sometimes but that's why I love him. I turn to Sel who's also shaking her head.

"I worry about that boy sometimes," Sel states and I laugh agreeing. It probably takes 2 hours before Joe walks back out of the kitchen looking like a complete mess, Sel rushes to him and pokes her finger through the hole in his shirt. "I brought you that shirt!" She exclaims and he shrugs smiling.

"You can eat now, I don't want anything." 

"Joseph you need to eat." I lecture. 

"Not after that I don't, I'm never going into catering!" He exclaims walking upstairs. I shake my head as me and Sel walk into the kitchen looking down at the flood on a plate, well it looks nice but I have no idea what it is. I grab a fork and take a bit of it placing it in my mouth chewing and swallowing it.

"That is really nice!" I say carefully sitting down and taking another bite as Sel does the same with a surprised face.

"That is nice!" We end up eating all of it, even Joe's share but I need it. I am carrying twins after all and I have a huge appetite as it is.


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