Episode 34

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I feel Joe's arms wrap around me tighter, I presume when he felt his shirt getting wet. We just sit here for probably the next hour just sitting here and embracing each other, me I'm thinking of other options. I will not and I will repeat it again, will not have a abortion! They are horrible things and I will never put my baby or I through that unless the doctor's advice me to  because my child or I are in danger. The only other option is adoption so that will be something we should think about, we're only teenagers after all.

"Demi," I hear my name being called, I look up at Joe. "We should go this weekend and the next few weeks like this never happened, we don't even know if you going to be pregnant yet." He explains and I nod.

"Good idea and especially don't tell anyone until we know for certain." He nods and pecks my lips.

"I love you." He tells me making me smile

"I love you too." I reply

We spend the rest of the day trying to write my songs but to be honest I think we both have too much on our minds, maybe it will work better tomorrow when we've slept these thoughts off. We got a call from our parents asking whether everything with alright which was hard to lie about because everything is not alright but I suppose it's the chance we have to take if we decide to have sex. Not looking forward to going back at all, I'm sure my mom will figure out something is different if I am pregnant, she's just that kind of person just like Joe's mom so I will not be spending at time at Joe's house and just see him at school which is another aspect I'm not looking forward to, school! These are the thoughts running through my head as I try and get to sleep but I just can't sleep. I look at Joe who's got his eyes closed but I'm sure if he is sleep, I move my glance back down to the sheet where I begin playing with the creases, the bed is comfortable by the way.

"Can you sleep?" I hear Joe mumble making me jump a bit. "Sorry."

"Not at all." I reply.

"Me neither." He answers back opening his eyes, I sigh and snuggle into him more.

"Too much on my mind." I admit.

"Same, do you think if we answer some of the things on our mind it will help?" He suggests.

"Maybe, I'll try anything."

"So what are you thinking about?"

"Well the baby obviously, if I am pregnant what's going to happen to him or her?" I ask.

"What do you want to happen? You're the one carrying them around for a 9 months with the symptoms that come with it." 

"I'm not getting a abortion so the only option is adoption unless we keep him or her but do be honest I think I want to keep them." I explain and look at him smiling.

"I'm glad you said that because I want to keep him or her as well," He admits and I smile too giving him a hug. At least we want the same and not going to argue over it unlike some couples I've heard of. "Boy or girl?"

"um girl." I say and he smiles, I look at him waiting for his answer.

"I want a girl too." He admits, the guy usually wants a boy but I guess this guy isn't like other boys, he's so special to me.


He Loved Me Before We Met- A Jemi Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now