Episode 9

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"Demi what do you think you're doing?" She says raising her voice a bit, here we go. 

"I can't help it, we had a assignment." I say simply.

"Couldn't you have gone somewhere else?"

"His house maybe? Yeah I can see the headlines now, Demi Lovato walks into mystery guy's house, new boyfriend maybe?"

"Well mystery guy walks into Demi Lovato's house, new boyfriend maybe can't be any better." She complains and I sigh.

"Dianna leave her alone, I'm sure everything will be fine." My step-dad assures making me smile. We then begin hearing shouting and screaming, I rush to the window giving me a view of the front yard seeing Joe being mobbed by paparazzi.

"Dad!" I shout and he comes rushing in looking out the window in the same direction of mine. He rushes outside and grabs Joe dragging him back in. I run over and laugh a bit, he looks so scared.

"It's not funny." He complains.

"Maybe you should wait until they leave." My dad suggests.

"He could be sleeping the night!" I exclaim.

"If he has to he can." He says and walks off, I turn to Joe.

"I'm sorry about this." I tell him.

"It's fine, I should probably tell my mom." I lead him into the room we were in before telling him I will be back in a few minutes. I leave walking into the kitchen seeing my mom cleaning the kitchen, I walk to the fridge and grab 2 bottles out and a big back of chips, I have a chat with my mom for a couple of minutes just about school and things, I then walk back into the music room seeing Joe playing on his phone. I throw the bottle next to him and pass him the chips knowing he only had a apple for lunch. 

"You didn't have much lunch." I warn and he nods starting to eat them. We begin talking about just about random conversations that crop up, it's quite interesting actually. We talk but I can't help but notice the cuts on his wrists. They don't look fresh, maybe a couple of days old, I know this because of my past. I sigh trying not to stare at them and listening to what he's saying but it doesn't work.

"Are you okay Demi?" He asks and I look up at him, should I ask him or not? I've only known him for 2 days, maybe I could try and help him because I've been through it all already but I don't want to offend him or scare him into doing it more.

"Why did you do it?" I say looking down at his wrist, he follows my glance and sighs staring at them as am I. 

"I only did it once for the first time at the weekend." He says and I sigh. 

"Are you gonna do it again?" I ask.

"I don't know, probably not, it didn't help anything." I smile a bit, if he was addicted to it he would want to do it over again and it would help. 

"As long as you don't, is it because of bullying?" He nods, it's usually the case. "Has anyone noticed?" I ask.

"Nobody's mentioned it, they might have saw it."

"So your parents or Sel don't know?"

"Don't think so."


I just decided to upate :) I want 3 comments this time though  

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