Episode 26

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"W-what?" I question.

"Joe you have the potential to become famous, you need to be sure you want this."

"H-how many producers phoned?" I stutter a bit still in a bit of shock.

"6." She answers simply and I let go of her hands sitting down on the stool, if I hadn't I'd probably be on the floor. This is all too much for me, how can someone like me get such a amazing opportunity so quickly after performing on live TV with his Idol?

"I don't know mom." I admit and she takes a seat next to me holding my hands again, I feel more comfortable when she does. 

"Just think about it Joe, they all said that they would wait until you're comfortable and you can go in and see them when you're ready but this is what you want Joe, you shouldn't just waste a opportunity like this." She explains and I sigh nodding my head.

"I'm gonna go to bed, I'll think about it over night." I say and she nods.

"Sleep well my little man." She speaks pecking my forehead, I smile slightly and get up walking up the stairs. I flop on my bad spreading my limbs out straight, I just don't know what to think about all of this. I need to tell someone, I get up and walk outside on my veranda seeing Sel's light off meaning she's probably already asleep, my only option now is Demi, my wonderful girlfriend. I walk back into my room and grab my phone ringing the familiar number.

Demi's POV-

I got back, had a quick shower then get comfortable in bed with a book, I always read a bit before bed whether it's just a couple of pages or a couple of chapters. My phone begins ringing surprising me a bit, who wouldn't phone me at this time that isn't in my house already? It then hits me, my boyfriend! What if he was hurt on the way back or something? I begin panicking and pick up my phone quickly seeing it is Joe or at least his phone, I answer the call.

"Joe?" I question.

"Hey, I didn't wake you did I?" He asks a bit worried, I sigh of relief knowing he's okay.

"No, I was just reading." I admit. "What's wrong?" 

"Can I tell you something without you freaking out?"

"Of course, anything." I encourage.

"I got back tonight and had a chat with my mom. While we were having our interview after we performed my mom got loads of calls." He explains and I raise my eyebrow.

"What about? Is everything okay?" I inquire.

"Everything is perfect Demi, they were music producers wanting to sign me, 6 of them want me to work for them." I wide smile covers my face as I bring up my hand covering my mouth, this is great news, why does he seem so weary about it?

"That's great news Joe?!" I exclaim. "What's wrong then? You don't seem so sure."

"I'm not sure what to do." He admits and I sigh.

"Joe you've wanted this for years now you need to take this offer from any of them." I begin. "How about we meet up tomorrow and sort everything out?" I suggest. 

"Sounds good." He replies.

"Okay you get some rest and text me when you've woken up in the morning." I instruct.   


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