Episode 53

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After we eaten and cleared up I toddle up the stairs holding tightly onto the railings so I don't fall, I waddle into the room I share with Joe and soon my kids seeing him not there. I waddle into the connected bathroom seeing he's in the bath. He hears someone come in and tilts his head back glancing at me before resuming his position before.

"Hey Demi." He greets and I smile taking a seat on the toilet, we quite often talk to each other while were in bath or shower and before I became pregnant we sometimes even took a bath or shower together.

"I'm sorry I said you weren't a good cook, that was nice." I tell him and he chuckles.

"It's fine."

"What was it?" I questions and he changes position in the bath so he's facing me.

"Just a family recipe." He admits and I nod. We begin talking about random things until Joe gets out and gets changed into his pyjamas. I walk to him and give him a hug, well the best hug I can without our children getting in the way.

"My kids are growing," He begins. "I can't even wrap my arms around my girlfriend anymore." He states and I pretend to look offended.

"Are you calling me fat?" I question and he begins looking scared.

"What no, Demi I honestly didn't," He pleads and I burst out laughing, he's so adorable. "Demi that's not nice!" He complains and I carry on laughing while he starts rambling on about something I don't even know, I'm too busy laughing. I cut him off by pressing my lips on his, he soon kisses back deepening it a bit and pushing his tongue through my lips and stating to make out with me. We make out for a couple of moments until were disrupted.

"Ew get a room!" We pull away and turn seeing Sel. "I thought I made a rule up."

"So? This is our bathroom not yours, you can't expect us not to make out in OUR house at all, maybe you should knock." Joe complains and I laugh unwrapping my arms.

"I don't care, the phone is for you Demi." She tells me and I nod walking downstairs with Joe's help, he's really protective of me now I'm pregnant, I just find it cute. I waddle to the phone and pick it up placing it to my ear. 

"Hi." I speak into the phone. 

"Hello Demi." I hear my mom on the line.

"Oh hey mom, you okay?" I ask.

"I'm fine thanks, how about you? Are the babies okay?" She questions.

"We're all fine thanks."

"I was actually calling about Saturday night, Lee has had to cancel but said Friday night is free, is that okay?" She asks.

"That's fine." I answer and we have a small chat before hanging up. I sit down next to Joe on the couch and he wraps his arm around my shoulder, I smile and kiss his cheek.

"We're not on Lee show on Saturday, he's had to cancel but Friday is free so were of then." I tell him and he nods.

"Any reason why?" He questions and I shrug.

"Mom didn't say." He nods and kisses the side of my head. I'm really looking forward to the end of the week, exams are over plus all will be revealed about my babies which I'm also a bit nervous about. We don't have to go in much next week, it's just 2 days then we have our graduation celebration as for prom that's not happening for me, Joe and Sel are going though.


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