Episode 49

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"Demi they looked very closely and saw two babies, your having twins," He uncovers and I cover my mouth with my hand in shock, I'm having twins, 2 babies. I let the tears roll down my face and my dad pulls me in for a well needed hug. "Everything will be okay."

"Does he know?" I ask hoping he knows who I'm on about.

"Yep, he was the one who talked to them on the phone." He says and I smile.

"Is he happy?" I question and he nods making me give him another hug.

"As much as I love your hugs you should get back to the interview and tell them the news." I nod and kiss his cheek before walking back onto the stage where I get a applause. I plop back down on my chair and look back over at Lee who is reading out something of a card, he finishes of and places it on the table beside him.

"Is the news something you can tell us or not?" He questions.

"I guess I can," I tease and everyone laughs. "My family just got a call, the doctors looked over my scan again and they discovered I'm having twins!" I exclaim making everyone cheer and applause, I really feel like crying but I will do that later in Joe's arms. We continue with the interview and it soon comes to a end and I'm getting changed into something more comfortable for the ride home. The ride was quiet, probably because of all the moving situation but he's gonna have to like the idea because it's happening. I reach home where Joe should be waiting for me, or that's what I hope. I climb out and rush into the house leaving my dad to get my bags, I jump on the couch next to Joe and give him a big hug making him laugh and hug me back. We share a quick hug before travelling upstairs into my room, I lay down on the bed and pull Joe down next to me. 

"I can't believe were having twins!" I exclaim feeling a kiss on the side of my head.

"Well believe it cause it's true, Demi I can't wait to raise them with you." I smile and look up at him, he leans down and gives my lips a quick kiss before pulling back.

"I love you." I tell him honestly.

"I love you too." He answers and leans in to whisper in my ear. "I have some more news." 

"What?" I ask smiling, what possibly could it be?

"Our agent found us another house, a better one for the babies." He begins. "It has 5 bedrooms and the master bedroom and another bedroom is connected by a bathroom, it's also cheaper." He explains and I smile.

"Sounds good," I tell him and peck his lips. "I thought they were going to stay in our room until they can sleep through the night?" I question.

"We'll probably for the first few weeks but with it connected it will be possible to move them out." He explains and I nod.

"I suppose it's cheaper," I smile. "Are you going to stay the night?" He nods and I smile pecking his lips again. I climb out of bed and walk into the bathroom getting changed and starting to brush my teeth. Soon enough Joe strides in wearing just his boxers, he walks over and wraps his strong arms around my waist hugging me backwards.

"Have you been working out?" I mumble because I can feel his arms a bit bigger, it's that or I've lost weight which I doubt since I'm having twins.

"A little bit." He answers smiling.

"Well please keep it up, I like it." I compliment getting out of his arms and walking back into my room probably leaving him smirking.


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