Episode 20

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Starting to upload up to episode 60! Could you please comment on some of the episodes though please? Just about what you thought and such. 


It been just over a week, Friday November 7th is the date and the first time I will be making appearance on TV. Demi and I will be joining the famous Lee Jackson (A/N- Random name) on his famous chat show. I feel really nervous though mainly just because nobody knows me and I don't want to do something wrong to ruin Demi's career. I slip my shoes on and look at myself in the mirror, how can I not make it obvious my feelings for this girl? She's just so gorgeous and flawless, I bet she can see it in my eyes my feelings for her. I look down at my wrist still seeing a mark even though I haven't cut since I got with Demi, they're taking their time to heal.

"You okay Joe?" I hear turning around seeing Demi looking gorgeous.

"I'm fine," I reply and she walks to me grabbing my wrists. "You said you would stop." She comments before even looking down. She finally looks down and looks back up and me and smiles making me smile too.

"I'm not gonna do it again, I keep my promises." I reply and she hugs me. I snake my arm back around her hugging her back. We have a quick chat until Demi's dad walks on telling us it's time to go on. I hear Demi's name and then my name with a bunch of applauses, we walk on to the sound of one of Demi's songs and sit down after Demi gets a kiss on the cheek and I get a handshake.  

"So what's new Demi?" He questions and Demi takes a deep breath beginning to answer his question in a way which she won't regret.

"Nothing much, just a lot of school work." We laugh a bit.

"And that is where you met this handsome young man," I roll my eyes and everyone laughs including the audience. "And apparently a bit of comedic boy, we will come to you in a minute. Demi tell us where you met Joe."

"Well it was my first day at school and his best friend was showing me around, we eventually bumped into Joe who began running because he's a fan and was too shy around me. We heard a crash and rushed around seeing Joe on the floor with the box he was carrying, turns out he had a massive piece of glass in his hand," She explains and I sigh remembering that day. "What's wrong?" Demi asks me and I raise my eyebrow making the realise.

"Is there something were missing?"  

"Well Joe just ended up at hospital because he fainted that's all." We begin talking about that day at school for a bit, mostly with Demi talking thankfully, I'm not used to being on national TV. I can't imagine how many people will be watching me right now and what they think of me is a big thought running through my mind.

"Now Joe," Lee begins making me snap out of my thoughts. "Do you know how lucky you are to be dating this beautiful girl." 

"It would be nice but were not dating, they're just rumours." I explain and everyone awes is disappointment, even though were not coming out yet it's nice to know people will approve of us.

"So you are dating this girl?" He asks referring to the picture of the magazine cover.

"Nope that was my mistake, she's my best friend, the one that gave Demi a tour of our school." I explain.

"Why were you kissing her then? Is that what Joe Jonas does, kiss his friends?" Everyone laughs and begins waiting for my answer.


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