Episode 38

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We reach the hospital and we walk in checking in, we sit down and begin waiting nervously for my name to be called out. I hope the paparazzi don't see me here otherwise that will be all over the magazines and internet, I can see it now 'Demi Lovato in Hospital, What Now?' I sigh and begin reading a magazine trying to get my mind of everything that's gone on but it's impossible, how could I even think I'd be able to? The wait was agonizing and horrible, I just wish she would call my name already, I don't mind being pregnant but I just want to know so I can start preparing how to tell everyone, especially the press when they find out. A good 5 or 10 minutes later my name gets called, I stand up after my mom says she will wait for me here, I suppose she doesn't need to be with me. I follow the nurse into a room where my destiny is held, I sit down on the chair and she sits opposite me.

"It's nice to finally meet you, my daughters love you." I smile.

"Aw I love my fans." I admit and she laughs.

"So you think you may be pregnant?" She questions and I nod a little embarrassed, I'm not really much a role model for my fans now. 

"When did you last have sexual intercourse?" She asks and I think.

"It would have been Saturday 10th January, I should have had my period last week but didn't." I tell her including the bit about the condom braking.  

"Okay since you've missed your period you should be able to take a test and find out." She goes in her draw and pulls out a test which looks expensive, she passes me it and shows me to the toilet and explains what to do. I go into the bathroom and do what was instructed placing it in the sink waiting for the beeper to go off, I'm glad the doctor won't know whether I'm pregnant before I do. I wait another couple of agonizing minutes until the beeper goes off, I walk to the sink and pick it up spinning it over seeing the front of the test. It says positive, I smile now knowing I'm happy about this, I walk out of the toilet and back into the office.

"So?" The doctor says.

"It's positive." I tell her passing her the test. We begin talking about what my diet should be like and basically all the information I need to know to keep my son or daughter safe. I walk out the room and over to my mom giving her a hug, I whisper the news in her ear hearing her sigh a little bit. She told me we will talk about it when we get back home.

I get in the house and smell bacon cooking, presuming my dad is now up. The fumes get into my airways and I begin feeling nauseous, I run into the bathroom and throw up with my mom holding my hair back. I finish off and brush my teeth again saying thanks to her, my dad rushes in and gives me a hug.

"Is my baby girl okay?" He stresses and I laugh pulling away.

"I'm fine." I reply turning him confused and making me and my mom laugh. I decide to just tell him straight away rather than pushing it away.

"Dad I'm pregnant." I say and look at him awaiting his reaction. 

"When did this happen!" He shouts making me look down.

"Eddie." My mom says through a sigh.

"No, my daughter will not be a slag and get pregnant at 17!" He shouts again making me look up at him.

"I knew you wouldn't understand!" I scream starting to cry and run out.


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