Episode 56

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"Awe my baby is all grown up." my mom cries as I walk to her after the Graduation ceremony, I passed all my exams with A's as well as Sel and Demi, turns out studying together was a good idea. I give my family a hug before we leave to a party my mom has set up with Sel's mom and Demi's parents. Everyone is going to be there, family wise anyway and a couple of family friends. Demi's really nervous about it though, she's never really met any of my family but my parents and Frankie. Once we reach a restaurant we booked for the party we get cheers and I smile letting go of Demi's hand. We go and socialise with family members before joining back up at the table.

"This is crazy!" Sel exclaims and I laugh wrapping my arms around both of them.

"You okay Demi?" I ask and she nods placing her hand on her bump, not that long now and I can't actually wait to meet my children, I don't think anyone can. Luckily my mom and Demi's dad have got used to the idea of us keeping them. I kiss her head and place one of my hands over hers but she moves her onto mine.

Don't get me wrong, the party was great but I'm knackered, I wanna go to bed. I make my way over to my mom who is saying goodbye to my Grandparents.

"Goodbye Joseph take care." My Gran says and I smile giving her a hug.

"I should be saying that to you." I reply making her laugh along with my Grandpa.

"You know I will look after her." My Grandpa says and I laugh. They leave and I turn to my mom who has begun cleaning up a bit. I help clean up with the parents and Sel while Demi sits there probably being bored, I know she's that kind of person. When we reach home we go straight to bed.

Demi's POV-

It's been a couple of weeks and it's now prom night. Joe and Sel managed to convince me to go even though I'll be sat down for most of the time, I just want to spend the night with Joe and Sel having fun and of course having a nice dance with my boyfriend. I managed to get a dress tailored so I'm able to go in a dress rather than dressed in maternity clothes which would be weird. Once again Joe's family, Sel's family and my family are joined at our house getting us ready for prom. 

"Mom I can do my own tie." I hear Joe complain making me laugh, he shoots a glare at me making me laugh even more.

"Demi don't move please." My mom lectures and I nod keeping still.

"I know you can your tie Joseph but it would be wrong, Frankie could do a better job." He mom replies and Joe groans.

"I'm the only normal one here." Sel states and everyone laughs. Eventually we get to prom all ready, we stride in and I instantly grab Joe's hand leading him to the dance floor. We begin dancing the best we can along to the music but it's hard when you're carrying twins. After a few minutes Joe stops and grabs my hand.

"You should sit down," He says and I nod allowing him to lead me over to the seating area where Sel is sat. He gets me a drink and passes me it. "Are you alright here if I can dance with Sel?" He questions and I nod, they walk off and I begin watching them dance, I love how close they are, they're more like brother and sister.


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