Episode 72

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This story ends at Episode 90 if I hadn't told you already 


Joe strolls back into the house after laying Cece down in her bed which is now on the bus, Noah woke up when Joe moved him but luckily went straight back to sleep once he was back in his bed. He glances over at the bottom of the stairs seeing Demi and Sel sharing a hug, he walks over and wraps his arms around both of them making them laugh.

"I'm gonna miss you guys." Sel admits as they pull away.

"Then you should have said you'd come!" Joe exclaims.

"You know I'm going to college in September, not everyone can live the famous life you know." She lectures and they laugh. She hugs Joe as he hugs her back.

"I'll meet you on the bus." Joe nods and Demi wonders off. Joe kisses the top of Sel's head and tightens his grip a little bit.

"Will you be alright alone?" Joe asks.

"I might move back into my mom's," She admits pulling away but not pulling away fully until she's kissed his cheek. "Good luck and have fun." 

"I'll try." He says kissing her head on last time before making his ways up onto the tour bus, practically as soon as he's on the set off to New York for the first sets of concerts. Joe's looking forward to this tour, his first tour but as you would expect he's still nervous, he thinks being with Demi helps a lot though because everyone has already heard of him for dating Demi Lovato. Joe takes a seat in the seating area next to Demi who is laid down.

"Why don't you go to bed?" Joe questions and Demi shrugs.

"Carry me?" She question and Joe smiles getting up, he picks her up bridal style and carries her through into the bedroom they will be sharing for the next 6 months laying her down on the bed . She falls asleep straight away still being in Joe's shirt and sweats making her comfortable, Joe lays next to her also being in baggy sweats instantly falling asleep next to her.

Joe and Demi groan when there's a loud knock on the door, Demi lifts her head up and sees nobody there but hears the bang again. She sighs and gets up stumbling over to the door, why is someone waking them up? It's only 8am. She opens the door revealing Andy. 

"What?" She asks still half asleep making him laugh. 

"We're going out for breakfast, Noah and Cece are awake too." Demi nods and turns to Joe.

"Joe get dressed and help me with the twins," She says and he lets out a grunt. "Joseph."

"I'm coming!" He exclaims and Andy laughs again. Demi walks through into Noah and Cece's room seeing them awake in their cribs.

"Momma!" Noah exclaims clapping his hands when he sees his mom. Demi smiles and picks him up placing him on the bed which was pushed to the side so they would fit the cribs in.  She picks Cece up and places her on the bed with her teddy penguin and a toy so she can be amused while she dressed Noah, she's not even going to try dressing her, she'll leave that to Joe knowing it will save tears. In a way Demi is upset how Cece won't do a lot of things with her but she pushes it away knowing Joe can do it, it makes her feel unable to give her daughter what she needs. Joe wonders through kissing Demi's head, then Noah's making his way to Cece who's stood up on the bed arms open wide above her head, Joe chuckles and picks her up kissing the side of her head.

"Morning baby girl." He greets putting her down and starting to pick out a dress for her to wear. Once they have both dressed Joe carries them through to the main living area placing them on the couches with the teddy they love so much, they don't go anywhere without them. He puts the TV on for them to watch while he begins making a omelette for breakfast while Demi gets changed. First concert is tonight and Joe can't help but feel nervous but at the same time excited, he knows he's got fans, most also being Demi's fans, Demi seems to think he's good looks have helped him with fans. He has had plenty of tweets explain how much some girls 'want him'.


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