Episode 87

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I didn't get 2 comments but I decided to update anyway :) 


Joe wakes up the next morning smiling when he feels his girlfriend laid next him sleeping peacefully. He smiles moving his head to the side so his glance can meet her, he leans down and gently kisses her cheek just beginning to watch her sleep with a wide smile on her face just like how he imagined he was before we woke up. Minutes pass and Demi begins waking up, her eyes flutter open and Joe smiles at the sight.

"Morning Beautiful." He whispers in her ear, Demi smiles and leans up pecking his lips before laying her head on his bare chest.

"Morning Gorgeous." She replies her voice being groggy from just waking him. He smiles and holds her tighter in his arms. Demi leans over checking the clock raising her eyebrow.

"Noah and Cece have usually woken up by now." Demi admits and Joe shrugs just enjoying the alone time with his girlfriend who is now his again.

"I bet Sel sorted them out, she's so good to them," Joe says and Demi smiles knowing it's true. They stay in each other's embrace briefly before getting out of bed and into the shower changing into comfortable clothes for the day. They make their way downstairs seeing Noah and Cece transfixed onto the screen. "Let's not disturb them." Joe whispers in her ear, she nods and leads them through into the kitchen where Sel is cooking some pancakes, they greet each other and Joe begins making coffee and orange juice for Demi.

"I can't wait to drink coffee again." Demi admits making Joe and Selena laugh. Demi shakes her head and takes a sip of her juice and begins thinking about where life is heading, she can't keep taking time of her career like this, her fans will get bored and move onto another singer but she wants to be there for her children. They can't go on tour with them if their schooling.

"I'm going to see my parents today," Joe states knocking Demi out of her thoughts. "You want to come Demi? Your better of resting actually, I'll take Noah and Cece so you can relax a bit."

"I can walk a couple of metres Joseph." She lectures.

"No I insist." He demands and Demi sighs as she nods her head, there was no way she would win the battle. They finish off their breakfasts and Joe gets Noah and Cece ready to go to his mom's house. He says his goodbyes before setting off in the car putting a kids CD on for them to listen to. He smiles as they begin singing along. He pulls up in the drive and helps Noah and Cece out getting greeted by his mother at the door. She's just happy to see him back and healthy, she's still disappointed in him for taking drugs in the first place but what's the point in being angry when he needed help over it. She greets her son giving him a hug then her Grandson and Granddaughter who get excited seeing her. They all go inside and Denise makes some drinks handing Noah and Cece a cookie each.

"When did you get out?" Denise asks handing him the controls to put something on Noah and Cece will want to watch. He puts something on places the control on the chair arm next to him.

"Yesterday, I was meant to phone but I got distracted, sorry." He says and Denise smiles.

"It doesn't matter, I'm just happy your back." She admits and Joe smiles.

"I promise I won't get into that habit again, I don't even know how it happened, it just suddenly came and that was it I couldn't get rid of the addiction." Joe expresses.

"It's fine honestly Joe, I haven't told Frankie about any of it then, he probably wouldn't understand it." Joe nods and agrees, they begin talking about random things, just catching up over the last few months. Denise misses her son being home and Joe misses being home with his family but they both know he's grown up now with his own family.

"How's the baby going?" Denise asks warming up to the fact that she will be a grandmother again in 3 months time for the 3rd time.

"By what Demi says fine, he or she is facing wrong way so we can't find out what were having but we did decide not to." Joe explains.

"The surprise is nice, I didn't find out with either of you boys." She states and Joe smiles.


2 comments for next one

Nearly over... :( 

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