Episode 41

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I sigh and continue washing up until I've finished, I knew she wouldn't be happy about it. I clear the kitchen up and walk back into the living room sitting down on the couch, I wonder where everyone is.  

"I heard you knocked up my best friend." I hear and look at the doorway seeing Sel.

"I thought I was your best friend?" I question.

"Not anymore!" She exclaims giving me a punch, I sigh holding my now throbbing arm. She sits down next to me and starts rambling on about god knows what, seems like nobody is happy about this baby. I know were young but it's still a baby at the end of the day, it's a miracle to have to say some people can't even have one and only have the option of adoption. I feel another punch looking back down at Sel.

"Listen to me when I'm complaining!" I sigh and stand up walking up to my room, I can't be doing with anyone at the moment. I lock my door and the veranda door knowing she will probably try that, I lay on my bed and stick my headphones in so I can block everyone out.   

I wake up and take my headphones out looking over at the clock seeing it's 11am, good job it's Saturday. I jump in the shower and change into clean clothes walking out my room.

"Joey will you play with me?" Frankie asks and I look down at him.

"Sure, could I get breakfast first?" He nods and I go downstairs, into the kitchen seeing my mom cooking, she hands me a plate and I sit down beginning to eat, looks like I'll be getting the silent treatment for god knows how long.

"Mom are you okay?" I ask and she nods. "I'm sorry."  

"Sorry isn't going to get rid of that baby," I drop my fork and get up heading out the door before she grabs my wrist. "I'm sorry Joe, I didn't mean to say that."

"You said it though and that's my son your daughter you're talking about." I tell her hopefully showing her I'm upset because that hurt hard.  

"I know I'm sorry, I'm just a little bit disappointed in you, did you think I gave you protection for the fun of it?"

"I used it mom, the ones you gave me too but they broke and I didn't realise until afterwards." I explain and she sighs taking hold of my hands.

"I'm not happy about it but I will accept it," I nod and she kisses my cheek. "Do you know how hard this will be for the both of you?"

"I know mom but I'm prepared, even you said I'm mature for my age and I'm just looking forward to it." We have a small talk about it while I finish off my breakfast, I figured I should spend some time with Demi since she will be in a lot of pain over the next 9 months, morning sickness can't be great not to mention the backache when my son or daughter is growing bigger in there. I run up to my room and grab my phone going out onto the veranda seeing Sel just admiring the view.

"Hey Sel, you wanna come to Demi's?" I ask and she nods.

"I'll meet you at your car, just let me get dressed." I agree and walk downstairs telling my mom where I'm going and heading to my car, soon enough Sel joins me strapping in allowing me to begin driving.

"Sorry about yesterday." I say remembering I just walked out on her.

"It's fine Joe, I'm sorry too."


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