Episode 11

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Demi's POV-

I was on my way to meet Joe to see if he got home from my house alright when I see some guy kicking another guy against the locker. I shout stop hoping it will work, they look over and then run off, I don't recognise him at all. I rush over to the guy laid on the floor holding his stomach seeing to my surprise Joe. I sigh and bend down to his level.

"Are you okay?" I ask. 

"I'm fine." He coughs. I help him sit up against the locker.

"Should I go get help?" I question.

"No I'm fine." He says but then starts coughing up blood, this guy is always getting hurt. 

"No you're not, come on." I help him up and help him to the nurse. We reach the nurse just about when Joe was getting really weak. He look pretty rough, he'll probably end up with a black eye.

"Oh not again Joe," The nurse says helping him on the bed, she turns to me. "What happened?" She asks and I explain how I found him and everything.

"Should I go see principle?" I suggest.

"Maybe you better," She begins looking at Joe.

"Who did this? Was it the whole group or just one of them?"

"J-Jackson." He stutters in obvious pain. I nod and leave knowing he is in good hands. I make my way to the principal's office, first period should have started but I think I have a excuse for not being there. I walk up to reception who finishes what she's typing and looks up at me.

"Can I see the principle? There was a incident and a student is with the nurse." She nods and leaves coming back a few moments later telling me I can see her, I knock on the door and walk in once I hear a come in.

"Hello Demi, how can I help you?"

"Well you know Joe Jonas?" I ask and she nods.

"One of our best students." I smile and begin explaining what happened with the name Joe gave me. She says that it's not the first time she's had to sort out him bullying Joe and he will be suspended this time, good he deserves it! I start walking back to the nurse's office when I bump into Sel on her way to class.

"Oh hey Demi." She greets and I smile.

"Joe's in nurse's office again." I tell her after greeting her back.

"Why does that not surprise me." She says and we both laugh.

"It wasn't his fault, I'm sure he will tell you cause I'm kinda tired of explaining." She laughs and we head towards the nurse, we walk in seeing Joe sat on the chair playing with his fingers. I look at Sel who's a bit shocked, his face his covered in cuts and scratches. He looks up at us and smiles, he's so cute even with those battle wounds. Sel walks over and gives him a hug, I noticed the nurse isn't here. Sel pulls away and turn to me, Joe told her the story. 

"What did the principle say?" She asks.

"Oh he's being suspended."

"What about Friday's game? He's our captain." Joe says a bit worried.

"It's your turn to shine Joe." Sel encourages.

"I'm not that good Sel."

"I bet you are." I tell him and we convince him a bit.


Glad to know your enjoying it guys :) I have a few Jemi ones so if you want to check them out as well your welcome, there's a short one that is finished and season 1 of a story that is finished :)

3 comments though :) 

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