Episode 73

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You guys are gonna hate the next next couple of chapters :P 


Demi giggles when she holds a piece of gum up to Joe's mouth making him bite it with his teeth and start chewing it. He smiles and leans down pecking her lips.

"Thanks babe." They are stood relaxing in their changing rooms getting ready to sound check, they're ready but just waiting for everyone else to be set up. Andy will be looking after Noah and Cece while the show is on far away from the stage as possible, they don't want them to be too close to the loud music but they're hoping they will be able to hear them and know that they are close by so they don't through a paddy. Demi lays down on the couch next to Joe placing her head on his lap looking up at him giggling when he pulls a funny face. 



"Are we going to have more kids?" Demi questions, she knows she wants one more at least but wanted to know his view.

"Um I don't know, I'm not too bothered since I have a son and a daughter but I suppose one more would be nice." Joe admits and Demi smiles when he starts stroking her hair, she closes her eyes enjoying his continuous touch.

"I'd love to carry another one of your babies." Demi says making him smile this time. Joe never thought his life would turn out this, for years he's been in love with Demi and her music but he never thought he's get the chance to ever meet her never mind date her. He tries not to think about it too much and just takes every day with her as it comes, just like he did when he found out she was pregnant and when she found out they would be having twins. 

Joe wonders onto the stage looking out at the arena which in just a couple of hours will be full of people, fans, his and Demi's fans. He's always dreamed of this life and if it wasn't for Demi he wouldn't be here. He feels someone on his leg and smiles when Cece his hugging his leg.

"Hey baby girl." He says picking her up and she begins playing with his collar on his shirt. He looks around for Noah and smiles when he sees him on the floor being tickled by his girlfriend.

"Should we do that?" Joe asks and Cece shakes her head quickly making him chuckle.

"Dada." She mumbles and he pecks her lips making her pull a face, he laughs again.

"Do that in future with boys, they'll love you." He says and she looks at him confusion covering her expression, he just chuckles and adjusts her in his arms. He wonders off to Andy and passes her to him getting ready for the sound check.

Demi wonders into Joe's dressing room seeing him watching TV quietly not moving his glance when she moves in and towards the couch.

"Joseph you need to get ready." She lectures.

"I will after this," He answers and she shakes her head knowing it won't happen, she switches it off making him groan. She walks over and sits on his lap facing him. "I was watching that." He mumbles putting his forehead against hers.

"And I'm saying you need to get ready," She says back, he doesn't get to answer before they're lips are connected. Demi smiles through the kiss as he pulls her closer to him feeling the kiss to start feel intense but as much as she'd like to do this the show starts in less than an hour. "Joe we can't." Demi mumbles against his lips.

"We can't kiss?" He mumbles back and she pulls her head back laughing.

"You knew what I meant." She says smacking his chest gently, he smiles and wraps his arms around her bringing her down for a hug. Demi smiles too laying her head on his chest hearing his steady heart beat which in less than a hour will be beating faster with excitement. Demi can't wait to see him up on stage, she'd never seen him before by himself so it will be interesting how he is.


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thanks xx 

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