Episode 22

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Joe's POV-

It's been a month, the date is December 7th and Christmas break has already started! I've been spending a lot of my time with Demi at her house as her parents have been away a lot. Don't get me wrong, I've still spent time with Sel and my family but I just feel I'm getting closer and closer to Demi everyday and I love it. The media died down about me and Demi after the interview luckily but I still get plenty of tweets saying that I should be with Demi because we'd look cute together, I'm getting a lot more followers as well! It's nearly Christmas and I have no idea what to get Demi, I already brought Sel a necklace I remember her adoring over at the mall not long ago but Demi's a lot harder to buy for which just gives me more of a thrill.   

"Demi what do you want for Christmas?" I ask laying on her bed playing with her fingers as she plays with my shirt.

"I don't want anything." She admits, why does she have to make it so hard?

"Come on you got to want something?"

"Um you?" She asks and I laugh.

"You already have me and for as long as you want me." She giggles and I kiss the side of her head, she's just too cute.

"Can you give me time to think about it?" She inquires and I nod. We begin laying in silence, I was thinking she was going to ask me what I wanted but she's not.

"Don't you want to know what I want?" I question and she looks at me and smiles.

"I already know what I'm getting you." She admits smiling.

"Oh, nothing expensive please Demi." I beg and she giggles.

"I won't, I promise!" She exclaims and I laugh.

"I need a haircut." I admit and she fluffs my curly hair.

"Don't I love it curly."

"It's a mop!" I exclaim and she laughs, if she likes it I will keep it but probably tidy it up a little bit.  

Soon the weeks go by and it's Christmas! I've just finished opening my amazing presents from my parents, I got a I pad which I wasn't expecting. 

"Joey come play!" Frankie exclaims and I laugh. 

"Not yet Frankie, I'm waiting for Sel, maybe she will play with you when she comes." I explain and he nods running off. Every year Sel and her mom comes to ours for Christmas because it's just easier for them since there's only the 2 of them. I begin helping my mom start to cook the Christmas dinner until I hear the door open, I put down the carrot I was peeling and walk through giving Sel and her mom a hug. 

"Happy Christmas." We all greet and we make our way into the living room where Frankie runs over.

"Play now?" He says and I laugh nodding my head. Sel and I play with Frankie with his new toys for a while then I show her my new I pad which she's jealous off, I take it off charge and walk upstairs into my room with Sel. We share gifts and I help her put my necklace on, she got me a watch probably for the reason that I always ask her for the time at school. I will be meeting up at Demi's house later on today to see my girlfriend on Christmas.


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