Episode 68

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Joe's eyes flutter open the next morning seeing Demi awake playing with his shirt, he smiles and grabs her hands making her jump a bit.

"How you feeling?" He asks his voice still all groggy from just waking up.

"Better," Demi admits smiling. "Thanks for visiting every day, I heard everything and you're so sweet, the best boyfriend I could ask for."

"You're welcome, my day wouldn't be complete if I didn't see you asleep or not." Demi leans up and kisses him passionately, Joe kisses back with the same amount of passion if not a little bit more but soon pulls away when air was needed.

"I love you." He mumbles against her lips.

"I love you too." She says pecking his lips before resuming her position back onto his chest. They begin talking about random things, all worries and such being pushed away until Demi remembers what was happening before the crash, she was pregnant with Joe's twins. She looks up at Joe worried about how they are, she'd fallen back to sleep by the time she was pushed into the room and only woke slightly when Joe came in.

"What's wrong?" Joe asks concerned.

"The babies." Joe smiles seeing the worry on her face just giving him more reason to show how much of a good mom she is going to be to his son and daughter. Joe leans down and plants a kiss on her forehead before pulling back and whispering in her ear.

"They're fine and healthy in the children's ward." He pulls back to see a smile on her face.

"Why are they still in hospital?" Demi asks knowing after this answer the worry will disappear completely, she'd never been so worry before within just a couple of minutes.  

"They were premature so they need to fatten up a bit," Demi smacks his chest and he laughs. "They can come home at the weekend, I was hoping you'd be there with me to bring them home." He admits and Demi keeps the wide smile on her face.

"What did we have?" She questions.

"Boy and girl." Joe replies seeing Demi's smile goes impossibly wider.

Joe helps Demi up from the bed and holds onto her as she leans into him, she hadn't walked in nearly 2 months so she's stiff and still a bit weak. Joe begins leading her through the corridors on their way to go see their son and daughter. Joe will be happy just to confirm their names, he's always loved the name Ceceila, Cece for short but Toby just doesn't seem to suit his son so he's hoping they can name him something different. They enter a familiar room to Joe and he leads her over to two cribs, Demi peers down into the smiling when she sees her son asleep but her daughter awake waking her arms and legs about like she's known for by her family and the nurses.

"Hold her if you'd like." Joe says and Demi leans down laying Cece in her arms smiling down at her. Cece calms down knowing she's in her mother's arms, a feeling she's never had before. Her eyes soon flutter shut. Demi looks up at Joe and awes.

"They're ours right?" Demi asks and Joe chuckles nodding, he knows he felt the same when they first came, not knowing if somebody just pretended that these babies were born and not his. "Her name is Cece right?" Demi asks and Joe nods.

"The names haven't been confirmed though so we can change them if you'd like."

"Do you want to change them?" Demi questions laying Cece back in the crib.

"Um I think Cece suits her but I have another name in mind for him." Joe states.

"And that is?"

"Noah." Joe says simply, Demi stares down into the crib next to where she just laid her daughter down seeing her little boy. She smiles and nods.

"I love it."


You like the names? 

2 comments/bunch of reads for next one :D

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