Episode 57

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The night goes by and soon it's time to announce the prom King and Queen which I think is stupid because it's just basically a popularity contest. We all gather around the stage where the principle is stood at.

"Hello seniors, I'm sure your all anxious about who prom King and Queen are so I'll get right to it. Your prom King is Joe Jonas!" she exclaims and everyone claps turning to us, I look up at Joe who is a bit shocked, Sel pushes him gently so he begins walking up to the stairs. The crown gets put on his head and he sits down on the throne set out.  

"Joe who is your date tonight?" The principle asks making my head shoot up.

"If she's the Queen why don't you read that card and find out?" He says making everyone burst out laughing.

"Your Queen is Demi Lovato!" I get helped up onto the stage and my crown gets put on my head, I sit down next to Joe on my throne and he takes my hand.

"I give you your King and Queen everyone!" The principle exclaims and everyone applauses again. "I would say they can have a dance but I won't put Demi through that so why don't you all dance while your King and Queen watch." Everyone starts splitting off and begins dancing to a slow song, I look at Sel who is now dancing with Nick, I guess prom changes people a bit. I turn to Joe who is staring at me, he smile when he sees I've caught him.

"You so beautiful." He complements and I smile squeezing his hand a bit tighter.

"Thank you." I begin. "And you're so gorgeous."

The prom soon continues, everyone doing what they want to but it's a bit hard for me with carrying twins so, Joe, Sel and I end up sitting about doing nothing but talking. It must have been quite near the end of the night when Kyle walks over asking if he could talk to Joe so Joe walks off with him.

"I can't believe you guys got prom King and Queen!" Sel exclaims and I laughing agreeing, it is pretty surprising for me too!

"I know, I have no idea why everyone voted for us, we weren't exactly popular.

"Maybe it was something about you guys coming out last week." I nod and we begin talking more before Joe comes back smiling like idiot, cute idiot at that.

"Kyle was the one who made us prom King and Queen." Joe shouts a bit trying to make himself heard over the noise of the music blasting of the walls.

"What?" I question.

"He set the whole thing up as a sorry for what he's done, everyone agreed that they thought we were cute so they voted."

"Aw how cute!" Sel exclaims and we laugh again, I stand up and I grab Joe's hand pulling him up.

"Whoa what are you doing?" He says and I smile.

"I want to dance with my boyfriend on prom night." I tell him and he smiles the beautiful smile I just love so much.

"Aw guys quit it, you're just too cute!" We laugh then Joe leads me over to the dance floor holding me in the right position to slow dance. We begin swaying to the music until I see Joe leaning down and kissing my lips gently, I begin hearing cheers as we share a sweet passionate kiss. I will remember this night for the rest of my life.


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