Episode 10

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Joe's POV-

I stay with Demi until 10pm when I'm able to get out the house, most of the paparazzi finally gave up and left but something tells me I'm gonna be hounded for a few weeks now. I did my homework with Demi and had dinner with her which was nice, I never thought the girl I've been in love for a couple of years is here. I starting liking Demi's music as soon as she came out a few years ago, I just got more and more into her music making me research all about her, that is when I near enough became obsessed. When we were talking earlier and she was tell me about herself, I knew it all already. I get in my car no problem apart from seeing a few flashes from paparazzi that haven't given up yet. I finally get in my house and dump my bag on the door and hang my coat up, I walk into the living room seeing my parents watching TV, I smile and sit down.

"Hello Joseph, you got free?" I laugh a bit and nod.

"How did you manage to get stuck in Demi Lovato's house? You love the girl."

"I know, it was fun." I admit seeing them smile in response.

"You should go to bed, you have school tomorrow." My mom say and I nod saying goodnight and walking upstairs into my room.

I wake up the next morning by a ray of sun shining on my face through a small crack in the curtains. I move my head so the sun isn't shining on it and look at the time seeing it's just 5 minutes before my alarm should go off. I switch the alarm off and walk into the bathroom getting into the shower trying to wash away all the problems that come with life, today I will have yet another hard day at school, getting pushed about by some boys I call my teammates. I'm on the basket ball team which is the only time they don't bully me, when were playing the game and they know I'm good at scoring goals but on the outside of the court I'm just a normal nerd to them. I walk downstairs and have breakfast before heading out to school, Sel was going to later because she has the dentist. I walk into school and up to my locker, I put in the familiar combination and open it letting something fall out and to the ground in a big slap. I look down seeing a magazine, I pick it up and look at the front cover seeing it of me walking out of Demi's house last night. 'Demi Lovato School Boy Boyfriend' I'm flattered that they think I'm her boyfriend but it's annoying at the same time cause we're not together. I read through the article which basically explains that I was at her house until late last night which is true but a load of crap, it's their fault I couldn't leave earlier! I was about to walk when I was pushed up against the locker next to mine and held tight against it.

"Get off me!" I scream looking up and Jackson.

"No! How come a girl like Demi is with you!" He demands.

"Were not together! I got trapped at her house." I say and he loosens his grip a bit but still holds me against the lockers. I take a deep breath needing the air.

"Why were you at her house in first place!"

"We had a music assignment to do and we did it at her house, I tried to leave but the paparazzi trapped me there until 10." I explain.

"I don't believe you! You're not so strong with your cousin here are you!" He punches me hard in the stomach making me slide down the locker holding my stomach as he begins kicking and beating me up until I hear a familiar voice shout stop down the hall.


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Thanks for reading, means a lot since I don't get many compared to my One Direction fanfics :( 

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