Episode 21

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Demi's POV-

"Nope, it was me being stupid as always and decided it would be a good idea to get the rumours away about me and Demi." Joe comments and I turn to him.

"It was a stupid idea." I tell him and he turns to me giving me the look which everyone laughs at, he is pretty funny, it's a shame he doesn't believe it.

"Rude." He says moving his glance back to the front, everyone laughs again including me

"This guy is single! Call in if you want a hug of Demi's not BF!" Lee exclaims and everyone laughs. "So Joe what do you like to do?" Lee asks.

"Well I'm on the basket ball team." He says and I nudge him, I knew he wouldn't talk about his amazing musical talents. 

"What about music?" I say and he glares at me.

"So you're a musician?" He sighs and nods.

"I play a bit of guitar."

"And Piano! And Tambourine! And you're a great writer!" I exclaim and he turns to me again glaring which I laugh at.

"Why didn't you say, when you become big and famous I expect you to visit and say I interviewed you first!" Everyone laughs again. The night was fun, full of laughs coming from Joe and Lee. The show went on longer than it was supposed to mainly because the audience wanted us to stay, they were in love with Joe and I don't blame them. The show is about to end for good this time.

"We have just 1 more thing to announce," Lee begins and turns to Joe. "We had a total of 2034 girls calling in wanting a hug of you!"He exclaims turning Joe into shock a bit. This has to be a eye opener to him, he's not ugly, just far from it! We eventually leave and get home after staying for a while, my dad invited Joe to stay at our house since he would be getting back late and not wanting to disturb Frankie. We had a talk about the interview in the car on the way home but to be honest I just want to go to bed! We reach my house and we grab our bags going into the house.

"I'm so tired!" Joe exclaims yawning and walking up the stairs, I laugh.

"Good job were going to bed then!" I exclaim too grabbing his hand and dragging him up. I grab my pyjamas and walk into the bathroom so Joe can change, I brush my teeth then change walking back out seeing Joe rubbing his eyes, I smile and walk over wrapping my arms around his waist. He moves his eyes and looks down at me smiling, he's really cute when he's tired. He leans down and kisses me softly making me instantly kiss back, he deepens it snaking his arms around my waist bring me in closer to him. Within moments the kiss becomes more intense and soon enough I feel Joe's tongue licking my lip wanting access, I grant his wish and open my mouth letting his tongue slip in my mouth. I smile through the kiss as we French kiss for the first time. He pulls away moments later breathing heavy as am I. He unwraps his arm and kisses me gently one last time before he walks into the bathroom leaving me feeling all good inside. I flop on my bed and curl into a ball smiling, no feeling this guy gives me can be better, I never want this feeling to end. I locked my door so I'm hoping Joe will come join me on my bed, I always loved the thought of waking up next to my boyfriend seeing him sleeping peacefully next to me holding me in his arms. Joe comes through soon and I pat the spot next to me making him lay down next to me.


He Loved Me Before We Met- A Jemi Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now