Episode 51

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~2 Months later~

Demi is now 21 weeks pregnant and I must say massive! I suppose she is carrying twins though. The media have been going crazy about who the dad is and polls have been done and most people surprisingly aren't suspecting me which is strange but oh well, most people think it's some childhood boy she used to have but oh well. Frankie stayed over last weekend and really enjoyed himself, he wants to come live with me but I don't think I could do that with my kids coming soon. We don't actually know if we're having boys, girls or one of each yet, we could if we wanted too but we decided to keep it as a surprise. The decorating is done apart from the babies' room which I will do when they are born. School has been extremely stressful since exams have started, I know I've been revising a lot because I've hardly had any spare time to do anything for myself but it will all pay off at the end. I wake up Monday morning and roll over not seeing Demi about, she hasn't had morning sickness for weeks now which is great but she has been having really bad foot aches and back aches. I climb out of bed and stumble into the bathroom still feeling really sleepy, I take a shower and get changed before walking downstairs.

"Morning Joe." I hear Sel say, I look at her watching TV and smile.

"Morning Sel." I reply giving her a kiss on the head, I stride into the kitchen seeing Demi eating a massive bowl of cereal, she has been eating loads lately but I don't blame her.

"Morning Beautiful." I greet and she looks up at me smiling.

"Morning gorgeous." She answers and I sit down next to her at the table, she leans over and feeds me a spoon of her cereal, I smile and swallow it waiting for some more. "Get lost, my cereal!" She snaps and I laugh grabbing a bowl and pouring myself some cereal and milk. We I begin talking while eating our breakfast, nothing exciting really, Sel soon walks in with her plate putting it in the dishwasher.

"What exams do you have today?" She asks and I think.

"I have Biology, English, Math and Chemistry." I tell her.

"I have the same but I have Physics in-stead of Biology." Demi says and Sel nods telling us what exams she has today, a day full of exams! How exciting! Not! We finish of breakfast and clear up setting off for school. This week is going to be exciting, well apart from exams but I mean on Saturday Demi, Sel and I will be going on the Lee show again. I promise it will be the last time for a while, I hope. Anyway we will be revealing I am the dad which I'm excited about since everyone will know Demi and I are dating, I can finally hold her hand in public and show the world how much I love this girl. The day goes by and it's soon the end, this week will be so stressful!

"Hey Demi." I greet Demi at her locker, she looks up at me and smiles.

"Hey Joe, how were the exams?" She questions.

"They were okay, I think I've done alright, what about you?" I question back and she sighs. "Oh no what's wrong?"

"Nothing, just your kids are kicking like hell." She whispers and I sigh giving her a well needed hug, I hate seeing her in pain.

"They just want to meet their wonderful mom." I complement feeling her smile in our hug.

"Oh my gosh! I know what you're having!" We hear and turn our heads to where the sound came from seeing Sel stood there, she rushes over and takes a deep breath.


He Loved Me Before We Met- A Jemi Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now