Episode 65

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Joe wonders onto the set of the Lee show kind of nervous about what's going to be happening tonight. It's been weeks since the crash, Joe's pretty much recovered apart from a bit of a limp because he needs to get used to walking with the pot off. Toby and Cece are growing up quickly meaning it's soon time for them to come home which Joe is looking forward to but at the same time wish Demi would be there with him to experience it. The main reason Joe is off on the show today is to explain what happened all those weeks ago at the hospital, he's been shamed in many different ways for what he did and just wants to clear everything. Also nobody knows what Demi's condition is so he's been given approval from the hospital to tell all the fans what exactly happened and how her condition is and was. He will not be revealing anything about Toby and Cece though, not until Demi is awake and they have confirmed names. 

"Hey Joe." Lee greets giving him a handshake.

"Hey Lee." He greets back and they begin walking through the building to the dressing rooms where they enter ready to talk about what's happening tonight since Joe will be on for the whole night and he has no idea what Lee has got installed for him because it's been kept a surprise. After Joe is ready for the show he takes a seat on the couch with Lee as they both walked on together.

"Evening New Jersey, I'm joined here with Joe Jonas who surprisingly hasn't been here in a while."

"Did you miss me?" Joe asks and everyone laughs.

"Of course I did," He replies. "You asked to come on here to clear up what happened about 6 weeks ago at the hospital right?" Joe nods and turns to the camera.

"I'm sorry to whoever the reporter was, I'd just seen Demi who wasn't doing too well and I guess it put me in a bad mood. I hope you accept my apology because I'm not usually like that." Joe explains and everyone awes.  

"I accept." Joe hears turning behind him to see a familiar looking face, Joe lets out a smile and stands up shaking his hand as he walks around the side of the couch. They both sit back down listening to what Lee is about to say.

"Before we carry on how is Demi?" He questions. "Everyone has been buzzing to know." Joe lets a shaky sigh realise from his lips.

"She's in a coma, they managed to get the babies out of harm and they're doing fine at hospital just need to put on more weight. Doctors don't exactly know when she will wake up and if she doesn't make any more improvements soon they're cutting of her life support." Joe explains.

"So she'll die?" Lee stammers not wanting to think of Demi as dead nor anybody else. Joe couldn't find any words to answer so he nods his head . "Let's all take a minutes silence for Demi." They all sit there in silence for a minute which felt like a lifetime. You could hear a pin drop even through some sobs of Demi's fans, Joe is being extremely strong mainly because his manager had said it wouldn't be wise to break down crying on live TV.

"Let's move onto some good news, Andy do you want to explain to Joe what you have done?" Lee says after the minute is up leaving Joe confused.

"Right I've hated my job for years now and after that incident I finally found a reason to quit so I have, I've talked to your manager and I'm going to be your head security." He explains.

"Buff up a bit," Joe jokes and everyone laughs. "It would be a pleasure for you to stalk me." He says and everyone laughs again.

"I also went to court and got this," He begins handing Joe a sheet of thin paper wrapped up, Joe looks down at it and listen as Any carries on. "It's a legal document so if any reporters can't take a picture of your kids and if they catch them when getting a picture of you or Demi they have to blur it out." Joe nods and thanks him.

"I know you said earlier you weren't talking about the babies but will you at least announce what you had?" Lee asks and Joe sighs knowing he's easy to push over.


2 comments/loads of reads for next one 

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