Episode 80

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10 more Episodes till the end 


Sel sighs pushing her bowl further away from her, Demi was right it's not the same guy who left her 3 months ago but at least he admits it. She just doesn't want him to do anything more stupid then he's already done. She begins cleaning the kitchen up of her breakfast wondering what he's doing and where he's gone, she didn't mean to make him angry or anything. She stops cleaning up when he phone rings, she takes the call holding it up to her ear seeing it's Demi on the other line. Before she could speak she hears sniffles as if she's been crying.

"Demi are you okay?" She asks concerned.

"Not really, is Joe home now?" She asks and Sel sighs again.

"Yeah but you were right, he's not the same guy." She states sitting back down at the island taking a sip of the orange juice she had with her breakfast.

"Don't suppose you know where he is?" Demi questions and Sel explains what's happened this morning hearing a sigh on the other end. "Sel I'm pregnant." Sel's eyes widen slightly, it's only been just over a year since Noah and Cece were born now she's pregnant again and she doubts Joe will even want to be there for her, not with the way he's been acting. Selena is lost for words, she has no idea what to say, think or do. She hears the line on the other end go dead signalling Demi has hung up, she groans trying to call her again but no answer. She lays her arms down on the table places her head on them.

Joe wonders up the path of his parents house hoping they will be in, he's missed his parents loads and just wants to see them again also Frankie but he knows he will be at school this time, more of a reason to come back later. He knocks on the door and it's soon opened by his mother.

"Joe what you doing here?" She question.

"Don't you want to see me? I'll leave then." He jokes and turns on his heel to walk away but hears his mom laugh and grab his hand pulling him back.

"Of course I want to see you but what happened to the tour? Where's Demi?" She questions and Joe sighs walking in not really wanting to talk about it but knew the question was going to be asked. They sit down in the leaving room after Denise had made drinks, Joe knows he's gonna have to tell the story and already knows the lecture. But just like Sel the drugs won't come into the conversation, he's keeping that one to himself.

"We've kinda broke up and she kicked me off the tour." He says.

"Kinda?" Denise questions and Joe explains want went on and what he's done to make her break up with him permanently, he just gains a lecture not that he's listening to it. He promised he wouldn't go all jerk like on his mother but he can't take anymore of this, he gets up without another word walking out the door knowing his mother is following.

"Don't walk away from me!" She shouts after him but he carries on down the street reporters following him but keeping their distance. He wonders for the next couple of hours until he loses all the reporters, getting tired as he's not answering any of their questions. He makes his way into the park's woods  into the centre where he sits against the tree lighting up one of his cigarettes which his family would wish it was tobacco but it's not.

Demi has a decision to make, if she's pregnant she can't do the tour very well yet she doesn't want to disappoint her fans, they will get a full refund of the tickets but they still lose out on seeing her doing what she does best. But that's not the only decision she needs to make. When Noah and Cece were born she got a break to look after them but is it fair on the fans and the record label to wait another 6 months or so for this baby to be ready to be slightly separated by his or her mother. Seems like Joe won't be helping with this either so she has Noah and Cece to look after as well as his new baby. It's hard decision but she has to make it soon.


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