Episode 7

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I take a deep breath and begin strumming the strings to the tune of the song I wrote the other day, it's not meant to be acoustic but it is today.

"It's time for something,

It's time for change,

It's time to get things re-arranged,

Oh yeah,

The summer heat,

Has been getting to me,

And last summer's love,

Is gone, gone, gone." I finish off the song and put the guitar down, I take my place not wanting to even look at Demi, Mrs. Newton writes down what she thinks of my song and passes me the sheet, no surprise there, I got A+. Sel snatches the sheet out of my hand and reads it smiling up at me afterwards.

"Can you write me a song to use?" She asks and I laugh.

"No." I reply making her groan. We carry on the rest of the lesson and I find out I have a assignment to do with Demi, how fun! Mrs. Newton thought I would be the only one who wouldn't take advantage of her being famous and know how to write songs already. I meet Nick outside class and we begin heading to math since Sel and Demi have English.

 Demi's POV-

I carry on walking with Sel through the corridors while we talk, I actually can't get over how good Joe was up there! He doesn't look like the kinda guy that sings but I guess you shouldn't just gather things. I wonder if Sel is any good. We reach class and I sit down with Sel as the teacher told me and turn to her making her turn back to me.

"Joe's a good singer." I admit and she smiles.

"I know, he writes amazing songs." I smile too.

"How long has he been playing guitar for?" I ask and she begins thinking making me laugh, the same as her.

"I think he was about  10." She says and I nod. The lesson begins and we start working on the work that has been set. I enjoy coming back to school, it gets really boring when your homeschooled. I just finished off my tour so I do my school in-between working on some new music, my last album, unbroken was really successful so I hope my new one will be too. Lessons go by and it's soon lunchtime, good I'm starving! I make my way to the cafeteria with Sel and we sit down at the table we did yesterday after getting our lunch, I have a salad and a apple which looks lovely. I begin eating as well as Sel, Joe soon joins us.

"Hey Joe, haven't you got lunch?" Sel asks and he shakes his head.

"I'm not hungry, I'll have it when I get back," He says and I look at Sel who's glaring at him. "I will, I promise!" He says, I wonder what's this about.

"I'll be phoning your mother." He laughs a bit but he should still eat something, I throw him my apple and he catches it gently.

"Have that." I say and he looks at me, he doesn't much, he tends to ignore me but I guess he's just not used to being around me if he's a fan.

"You sure?" He questions and I nod, luckily he doesn't object and just eats it.


I chose Summer Rain! I was just listening to it on the bus to college and loved the sound of his voice singing it so I chose it. 

So Jemi have a assignment! The song isn't one Jemi have sung but I song I could just imagine Jemi singing so much so I chose that one. 

I will update again after 3 comments! Please tell everyone about this story because nobody seems to read them :) Check out my other Jemi ones too if you'd like :) 


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