Episode 45

806 12 1

2 weeks later

Joe's POV-  

It's been 2 weeks and we already found a house, my parents still don't know a thing and neither does Demi's and we plan to keep it that way until moving in day. We viewed the house yesterday just to make sure we want to and we do, it's not too far from my house or Demi's, it's kind of in the middle but the good thing is it's not far from the studio either. Once we pay a deposit we can move in which we're planning to do next weekend. The date is Monday 21st March, a few days after Demi turned 12 weeks. She's going for a scan today but my mom wouldn't let me have anymore time of school so unfortunately I'm not going even though I really want to. To be honest I'm surprised nobody has noticed yet, she has a bit of a bump but she has been wearing baggy clothes until we realise the news. I don't think she's telling them I'm the dad straight away yet either, probably another month or two after she's announced it. I walk into school alone since Sel has caught the bug, I will be alone until Demi's scan is over in about a hour.

"Where do you think you're going?" I turn around seeing Kyle alone without Nick or any of his friends, I look around also seeing nobody about. This is just my luck. I stare back up at him again for a minute seeing his evil grin before starting to run. I turn the corner and slip on something ending up on my back, I groan in pain not even trying to get up before Kyle catches up with me which was pretty soon. He grabs my shirt and pushes me up and against a locker making me groan in pain again.

"Oh stop being a baby." He complains and I sigh attempting to get comfortable in his grip.

"What have I done now?" I question.

"Nothing, I just find it funny you being in pain." I groan again pushing him off me starting to get a bit angry, I'm just sick and tired of him doing this to me. I don't want my child coming into the world with a wimp as a dad.

"Just leave me alone, I never done anything to you!" I raise my voice a bit.

"Don't talk to me like that." He replies pushing me back up against the locker.

"Why do you do this to me?!" I demand to know. 

"Because I love you!" He shouts back holding onto my cheek and pressing his lips onto mine. I stand there still in shock, he pulls away a few moments later and let's go of me running off. I slide down the locker with my hands on my head, I can't believe that happened! I always presumed he was jealous of something I have but it's not, he's had a crush on me this whole time and I didn't even know he was gay. It all makes sense now though, when we were younger and he tried to be friends with me, I pushed him away which obviously hurt him and made him want revenge. All this time since the day we first met he has had a crush on me and I was too oblivious to even think about it. The only good side to the is the fact I now know the reason behind it all not that I'm going to do anything about it, I'm with Demi and she's having my baby not to mention I'm not even gay. I begin thinking about how I'm gonna face him again whether he wants to face me again, I'd be pretty embarrassed if I were him. The bell rings making students pile out of study hall, I had permission to go to the library, not that I even had a chance to reach there. I stand up and grab my bag which was thrown on the floor when I slipped, I grab onto my back feeling really bad pains but that's not the worse of my pains at the moment.


He Loved Me Before We Met- A Jemi Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now