Episode 27

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It's now the next day, after lunch and Joe still hasn't text me but I do remember him saying he was really tired and he didn't have a early night. I've begin starting writing my new album which I'm really excited about, it should be out by the end of next year but hoping for it to be after I graduate. I decide to watch some TV for a while, or at least I did before I got a text from Joe saying I can come over. Good I miss him.

When I reach his house the door opens before I even reach it seeing my wonderful boyfriend smiling. I walk up to him and we both walk in and into the dining room, I love Joe's house, it's just so nice and simple. When I became famous my parents insisted we get a bigger house even though we didn't need the extra space but me, I'd prefer to be in a house like Joe's. We sit down on a chair at the table he turns to me.

"Everyone is out so it's just us." He says and I nod leaning up pecking his lips.

"Congratulations." I say making him smile.

"Thanks," He replies putting a note pad in-front of me. "There all the producers who phoned." I look down seeing my music producer there.

"Let's sort this out then, are you absolutely sure you want to do this?" I question and he nods.

"I'm already famous without a album to be honest, just because we were rumoured to be dating which is true." I giggle a bit and look up at him.

"Okay then."

We begin sorting out who we think he will be best with and the best offer they gave which was actually my music producer. We phoned them up and Joe will be going over tomorrow so they can have a talk about what's happening, I suppose if everything's worked out Joe has his career sorted out before he's even taken his exams. 

"Thanks for the help Dems." He says and I smile looking up at him.

"You're welcome." I reply leaning up and pecking his lips which he doesn't seem satisfied by. He leans down and presses his lips onto mine making me instantly kiss back, I wrap my arms around his neck bring him closer into my face. He begins licking my bottom lip wanting access of my mouth, I open my mouth allowing his tongue to snake in starting to wrestle my own. I pull away a while later catching my breath, he takes a deep breath and begins sucking on my neck making me moan quietly. He carries on and I lift my head up giving him more access of my neck, he soon finds my soft spot making me moan louder than before. He pulls away and looks in my eyes as I look back.

"Upstairs?" He questions I nod. He stands up and picks me up bridal style carrying me up to his bedroom where he lays me down gently climbing on top and starting to instantly make out with me again. We make out for a bit but I soon feel something poking on my thigh making me burst out laugh interrupting our kiss.

"Demi!" He wines and I carry on laughing. "You need to sort this out."

"Trust me I will." I say flipping us over straddling him making him moan. I lean down and unbutton his shirt letting it flow off his body onto the bed. I peck his lips and take the journey down his chest to the bottom of his pants, I undo his button and zip pulling them off his legs. Eventually were both naked getting ready for this moment to finally arrive.

"Are you sure?" He questions and I smile nodding my head.


He Loved Me Before We Met- A Jemi Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now