Episode 6

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I walk into school the next morning with Sel like always, we take the usual trip to our lockers putting things in we don't need quite yet and taking things out will do need.

"I said we would meet Demi at the toilets," Sel says and I groan knowing it's quite a walk. "Are you okay?" She begins feeling my head. "Do you feel dizzy? We should go to the nurse." She panics making me laugh.

"Sel I'm fine, I just don't want to walk." I admit and she smirks.

"Aw is Joey too shy to see Demi?" She teases, I just shake my head and start walking. She soon catches up and I wrap my arm around her shoulder in a friendly way and carry on walking. She likes to tease me a lot about Demi mainly because I don't really listen to any other music so she has nothing else to tease me about because she loves my songs even though I don't think they're that good. We reach the toilets and see Demi waiting very patiently opposite the toilets, gosh she's so beautiful when she's waiting, she's beautiful doing anything! Sel gets out of my arm and grabs it dragging me over.

"Morning Demi." Sel greets.

"Morning Sel and Joe." She greets both of us and I turn to Sel.

"Morning Sel," I begin and turn to Demi. "Morning Demi." They laugh and I smile.

"What have you got first Demi?" Sel asks.


"Oh we have that," She turns to me. "Did you do your homework?" She asks. I then think, shit! We had to write a song and some of us will be performing them to the class, I don't want to perform my song in-front of Demi, that's just embarrassing. There's no way of getting out of this.

"Joe?" Sel says snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I ask forgetting where the conversation left.

"Have you done your homework?" She repeats.

"Um yeah, I'm just gonna go to the bathroom, I'll meet you at music." I say and she nods, I make my way into the bathroom and sigh, I have no idea what to do. I wash my hands after going to the toilet when someone stands next to me and starts washing their hands, I turn to see my cousin Nick, we're the same age expect I was born in August 15th and he was born 10 days later on 25th (A/N- I had to change birthday otherwise Nick would be in a different grade, they are cousins rather than brothers because I wanted them in same grade.) 

"You in music next?" He asks and I nod sighing, I'm not looking forward to it unlike any other day. We finish off and walk out heading towards music, we have a nice talk on the way but separate when we get there, he's a popular and thankfully tries and stops his mates from bulling me when he's around but he's not there everytime. I take my seat next to Sel seeing Demi just sat next to her, I can tell she will enjoy this lesson. The lesson begins and people come up showing of their songs, we're more of a music school so we do have some talent but to be honest not much, Mrs. Newton loves me, she thinks I'm the best the school has but I don't think why she would. It's just near the end of the lesson when Mrs. Newton turns to me.

"Come on Joe dazzle us." She says and I sigh.

"Nah let someone else have a go." I encourage.

"I want to hear your new song Joe." She says and I sigh again getting up and standing at the front grabbing a guitar.


After 3 comments I will upload the next one, I don't want to upload it too often since I'm still writing it and on episode 60! I think this story could be quite long :D 

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