Episode 46

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The next lesson passes by and I join Demi at her locker, thank the lord she's here! Some exciting news maybe to get my mind off the situation playing in my mind over and over again, she gives me a quick hug making me smile.

"Everything okay?" I ask and she nods.

"Everything is perfect, I have a picture but I will show you later." She says and I nod. I don't know whether to tell her about what happened earlier, maybe it would be best if I spoke to Kyle first, yeah that's a good idea. We begin walking to lesson in silence, mainly because I'm thinking about what happened earlier.

"Joe are you okay?" Demi asks and I nod kissing her head.

"I'm fine."

"You sure? You seem distant."

"I'm sure." She replies by nodding and we walk into class, I walk to the back and sit down next to some girl who's sharpening her pencils.

"Joe?" She says and I look up at her for a second before looking back down, She sighs and sits down where we usually do. The teacher soon arrives and other students, the lesson begins not that I'm paying attention, I glance around the room noticing Kyle not here.

"Joe can you pay attention please?" I look at Mr. Lawson.

"Sorry, can I go to the nurse? I don't feel well." I admit and he nods passing me a slip. I glance at Demi for a second who is looking concerned. I pace out the room rushing over to where I know Kyle will be, we may be kind of enemies but I still know quite a bit about his interests. I rush out of the building and up onto some of the basket ball courts that have been set outside to practice on in summer seeing him shooting balls. I scamper over and catch the ball before it goes into the net looking at him.

"Joe." He breathes, I sigh.

"Can we talk?" I ask holding the ball under my arm and walking to him.

"I'm sorry about earlier, I was way out of hand and I shouldn't have said anything." He rabbles and I laugh.

"It's fine, I'm just happy I know why you've done this to me all these years." I admit.

"Yeah I'm sorry about that too." 

"You should have just told me, I would accept it but you should know I'm not gay and I do have a girlfriend."

"Really?" He question and I nod smiling.

"I'm sure you'll find a guy or girl soon depending which way you want to swing." I encourage adding a bit of a joke on.

"Thanks Joe, I won't try and kiss you again." He says through a laugh

"We could be friends though?" I suggest and he nods.

"Sounds good, who's your girlfriend?" He asks and I sigh.

"I'm not saying, nobody knows about us apart from family." He nods and we begin shooting some hoops together which was weird but I must admit, I enjoyed it. We decide to go to the lesson after, luckily Demi isn't in that lesson but I will speak to her during recess because I bet I hurt her, I didn't mean to though. I ramble into lesson just on time and sitting down in my assigned seat.

"Just in time Joe." The teacher praises and I give her a smile.


He Loved Me Before We Met- A Jemi Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now