Episode 70

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Demi smiles as Noah waddles over to her, she picks him up and places him on her lap kissing the top of his head. It's been just under a year and everything has been surprisingly great! Both Joe and Demi had released a new album and planning on going on tour soon, Joe as Demi's opening act but that was mainly just so they would be together.

                 Joe lifts Cece out of the bath and begins trying to dry her but both of them have always struggled, she doesn't like it.

"Please princess hold still." Joe begs but she carries on pushing his arms away. "Maybe if you weren't messy at dinner you wouldn't need 2 baths a day!" He exclaims beginning to tickle her making her burst into fits of giggles still trying to push his hands away. He chuckles and gets the task done helping her change into her pyjamas.

"Arms up!" Joe instructs and Cece lifts her arms up allowing Joe to put the top over her head and in the arms of the top. Once she's dressed Cece wraps her arms around Joe making her pick her up, she's always been a daddy girl even when she was a small baby crying unless he would hold her. Demi's noticed how close of a bond they have and finds it adorable. Joe wonders downstairs and places Cece on the chair next to Demi.

"Do you want a bath big man?" Joe asks his son already knowing the answer. Noah quickly shakes his head and Jemi laugh, he's hated water ever since he was a small baby, the nurses struggled to give him a bath without any drama or getting wet when he was still at the hospital.  

"Dada." Cece mumbles looking around for a way to get to her dad, she climbs off the couch carefully and waddles over lifting her arms up for her to take, Joe picks her up and stands her up on his knees so she's just a little bit shorter than he is. He kisses her head as she begins rubbing her eyes.

"I think it's bedtime," Demi states standing up placing Noah back on the couch. "I'll go make some warm milk for them." She says wondering off into the kitchen. Noah stands up and leans against Joe for balance.

"Now your taller than me!" Joe exclaims turning to his son, Noah lets out a giggle making Cece giggle too. "Great now we've got some giggle pots in here!" He exclaims again.

Demi tucks Cece in and kisses her head as she slowly starts drifting off to sleep. She smiles watching her fight to keep her eyes open unlike her brother who just fell to sleep, Cece always wants to stay awake longer but knows she can't.

"Dada." She mumbles before falling to sleep, she switches the nightlight on for them in-case they wake up through the night and switches the main light off before walking out and gently closing the door. She wonders through into hers and Joes room and into their connected bathroom seeing him laid in the bath. She smiles and walks over to the toilet putting the seat down so she can sit down.

"Are they asleep?" Joe asks turning to her.

"Yep, Cece didn't want to though."

"Why does that not surprise me?" Demi lets out a small laugh leaning forward placing her chin on her hand which is standing on her leg. "You okay?"

"Yeah just tired." Demi admits.

"You can't be tried, were touring soon!" Joe exclaims.

"I know but it's gonna be hard with Noah and Cece here." she admits again.

"It was hard when they were born and it's still hard now, we'll get through it." Joe encourages making Demi smile, he always knows what to say to make her feel better.

"Anyone here?!" They hear from the bedroom, Demi gets up and walks out into the room seeing Sel.

"Joe's taking a bath." Demi states leaning against the doorframe.

"And he doesn't want to be disturbed!" Joe shouts from the bath making them both laugh.

"Fine, I just wanted to make sure you were here." She says before wondering off. 


I've started a new Jemi story called 'Fear His Curse' could you check it out if I leave a link in a comment below?

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