Episode 50

776 13 0

Joe's POV-

"I can't believe your moving out and only just told me!" My mom stresses and I sigh placing another book into a box, I stand up and give my mom a hug, I can tell she's trying not to cry and become weak.

"He not going!" I hear a little voice from the door, I pull away and look to the door seeing my little brother stood there. He runs to the box and begins unpacking it making me sigh.

"Frankie can you please just let me pack?" I question and he shakes his head.

"Me don't want you to go!" He speaks practically screaming, I pick him up and hold him against my side, he buries his head in my neck and my mom smiles walking away. I begin to feeling my shirt getting wet, I sigh and lay down on my bed holding him into a hug, I know it must be hard on him with him only being young but I'm sure he'll get over it after a couple of days or weeks. "Why do you have to go?" He mumbles.

"Because I'm going to be a daddy and I need to look after my babies." I explain and he lifts his head up.

"But why can't you do that here?" He questions.

"Because they cry, a lot, I'm sure you don't want to wake up to that do you?" He shakes his head and I laugh. "How about I do you a deal?"


"When I'm settled in if it's okay with mom you can come sleep over?" I say and he nods quickly getting excited, I suppose the babies won't be born for a couple more months so it will be reasonable to do. He begins rambling on about what we will get up to and what toys he will bring with him but he gets too excited and runs off probably to tell mom which means she will be coming in soon asking about what's this all about. I carry on beginning to pack boxes up until they are all done, I begin carrying them downstairs and placing them by the door ready to take over to the house later. Once everything is packed into the car I walk back into my house seeing my parents stood there with Frankie, I sigh and give them all a hug, I must admit I'm going to miss them but I'm ready to be independent and start the next part of my life.

"Promise you'll visit?" My mom questions and I nod.

"Of course I will." I reply kissing her cheek.

"I still don't think this is a good idea." My dad states and I roll my eyes.

"Joey me sleep over?" Frankie asks and I nod.

"In a few weeks." I have a talk with my family for a couple of minutes before heading off to my new house where Demi and Sel should already be un-packing. I park my car in the driveway and get out wondering into the house.

"Demi! Sel!" I call out and they soon come running to me attacking me with a hug, I laugh and hug them back pulling away a few moments later.

"Be careful Demi, I don't want you hurting or anything." I lecture and she groans making me and Sel laugh a bit. 

"I will, I promise." We spend the day basically unpacking and getting settled in, luckily tomorrow we have nothing planned so we can just sit and relax in-front of the TV for a day. For dinner we end up calling for a pizza since the cooker isn't working properly but I'm sure we'll get it sorted soon.


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