Episode 31

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It's been another month, a month full of calmness thankfully. Demi or I haven't been in the magazines all month which has been great, I think everything is finally settling down thankfully. The bad thing is I've hardly seen Demi and I don't know why, whenever I try and contact her she's always busy so basically the only time I see her is at school. I can understand that she can be busy but I really miss her and hearing her voice, I think I may have to have a talk with her and see what she thinks.

"Mom I'm just off to Demi's." I say walking into the kitchen.

"Okay honey be back for dinner." I nod pecking her cheek and leaving.

I reach Demi's house and knock on the door, I didn't phone or anything so she's not expecting me to be here. The door opens by Demi a few minutes later with a surprised look on her face.

"Joe? I'm kinda busy." She says and I sigh.

"Can we talk?" I ask and she sighs just like I just did.

"Sure." She replies opening the door wider for me to walk in. I walk in and she leads me to the room I first went to with Demi, one of the very days I met her and got stuck at her house because of stupid paparazzi but I suppose I'll have to get used to them. I look around the room seeing screwed up balls of paper everywhere, I pick up one and spread it out how it should be seeing it's sheet music but Demi snatches it away.

"Don't read it! It's horrible." She admits throwing it behind her.

"Baby you need to relax." I encourage.

"I am relaxed, I don't know what you're on about."

"What's wrong Demi?" I question.

"Nothing's wrong, everything is fine but can you go?" She asks and stand up getting angry.

"Fine, I know where I'm not wanted!" I say raising my voice a bit.

That was the first time me and Demi got into a  proper fight. She called it off so I guess that's that, I'm upset though. I walk into Sel's house and up to her room seeing her brushing her hair, I give her a hug burying my head in her neck. She throws her hair brush on the bed and hugs me back.

"What's wrong Joe?" She asks, I just ignore her feeling the tear beginning to form."Joe?" She pulls away and makes me look at her.

"Demi broke up with me."

"Oh Joe." She hugs me again, I can't help it, I let the tears fall causing her shirt to get wet. She makes me lay down on her bed and lays with me, we lay in silence for a while apart from a few of my sobs. 

"What was it about?" She asks once I've calmed down a bit, I wipe my eyes and take a breath before explaining what happened at Demi's house. It was very unlike her, she just seemed really stressed with whatever she was writing those songs for. Sel begins giving me some advice which includes just giving her some space and go talk to her tomorrow, I suppose that's a good idea.

"You want to sleep over tonight?" She asks and I nod.

"I will just go ask my mom and get my stuff."

"Okay and Joe," I turn to her. "Cheer up." She kisses my cheek and I smile leaving.


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