Episode 77

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The man lets go of Joe holding onto his shoulders making sure he doesn't escape from him, Joe looks up at him and winces when he feels his hands on his shoulder, the man lets go putting his hand down by his side.

"Sorry," He says surprising Joe a bit but also relieving him a bit seeming like he isn't here to hurt him which intrigues him. "I'm Scott and I've noticed what you've been doing past few days." He says and Joe looks up at him beginning to beg him not to tell anyone about it, he doesn't want Demi to find out about any of this from anyone but himself, he knows the outcome already and just can't bring himself to go home. He knows they've cancelled the tour until he's back just because they don't want to leave the state or town in case he decides to come back.

"Relax I'm not going to do anything or tell anyone okay?" Joe sighs of relief and nods.

"Then what do you want?" Joe questions seeing Scott reach into his pocket pulling out a bag full of needles with some short of liquid inside, Joe raises his eyebrow and holds them in his hands as they've been passed. "Why are you handing me drugs?" Joe questions.

"Alcohol won't help you with your problem, try theses, they are free this time but next time you'll have to pay." He explains and Joe nods putting them in his pocket. He's not going to try them but he doesn't want to get on the bad side of him. Joe wonders away from him walking along the streets again as his heart begins aching again and he can't help but feel the urge to stick those needles into his body, one can't hurt can it? He keeps on repeating to himself his mind not leaving the thoughts of the drugs into his pockets. He begins running again through the wet streets until he reaches a pharmacist, he goes in and buys so sanitising wipes before heading back to the run down hotel he's been staying at the past couple of days unless he's woken up next to a girl. He dumps the needles on his bed and grabs the wipes wiping the end of them, he doesn't want the risk of infections and such so if he sanitises them himself he knows there's less on a risk. He grabs it in his hands thumb on the top leading it down to his arm, his shaky hand staying there a couple of moments knowing there's no going back once it's been injected. His thoughts wonder to Demi's angry faces those couple of hours ago and the thought of her expression when he tells her about what he's been doing all these days making his shaky hand steady jabbing the needle in his arm wincing as it pierces his skin. He pushes his thumb down allowing the drugs to start running through his veins.

Demi stops rocking her daughter in her arms seeing she's finally settled down, she wishes he would just come back because she doesn't know how much more of her daughter crying for him she can take. She lays Cece down on the bed she's been sleeping alone for the past couple of nights laying next to her stroking her hair, in a say she just wants to forgive Joe and for everything to be back to normal but in another way she's still furious for what he has done but it's hard to stay angry not knowing what's happened to him. For all she knows he has died and the police haven't found him yet but she tries not to think about it too much. 

"Joe please come home." She mumbles before drifting off to sleep.

She wakes up by someone shaking her, her eyes snap open hoping it will be Joe but it isn't, disappointment covering her face.

"Come on Demi, you need to eat." Andy says and she sighs noticing Cece has left her side, probably woken and they moved her so she wouldn't be disturbed.

"I don't wanna eat." She complains burying her head into the pillow, she hadn't been very happy or eating past couple of days, how can she when she's too busy worrying about Joe and her children. No father should be this far away from their children for this long, not after he's been around for the first 18 months of their life. It takes some convincing but Demi manages to get a meal down her, not that she wanted to.


Don't hate me! lol

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