Episode 13

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I had no idea I had all the comment! Sorry it's late, here it is :) 


Joe's POV-

I wake up for the 3 time today hearing screaming coming from my annoying little brother but I gotta love him. He runs into my room and I smile as I feel him jump on the bed.

"Hi Joey!" He screams and I laugh.

"Hey Frankie," I reply messing his hair up. "Did you win your soccer game?" 

"Yeah! I scored a goal!" He exclaims.

"Well done!" I praise.

"Is that Frankie I hear?!" We hear coming from outside. He gets up and runs out on my veranda, I follow seeing Sel and Demi stood there.

"Hi Sel!" Frankie screams climbing up onto the veranda making me quickly grab him holding against me.

"Whoa No." I say and he giggles.

"Are you cheering up Joe Frankie?" Sel asks and Frankie looks up at me. 

"Joey sad?" He asks and I chuckle.

"I'm fine now Frankie." I say putting him down on the floor. 

"Joseph can you come do dishes?!" My mom shouts and I sigh turning back to Sel and Demi.

"See you tomorrow and thanks Demi." We say our goodbye's and then I walk into the house with Frankie. I walk downstairs and Frankie runs off sitting next to dad who's watching TV, I travel into the kitchen seeing my mom clearing up after dinner which they had without me.

"Do you want me to heat yours up for after you done dishes?" She asks and I nod walking to the bowl and starting to wash up.

Days go past and soon it's been a week, I've been in so many magazines, reporters are following me and asking my name but I just ignore them. As much as I would love to date Demi I'm not and I don't want anyone to think I actually am. I've also been getting loads of the public, especially Demi's fans, coming up to me and asking me if it's true and I just tell them the truth. I've been feeling a bit better this week, I would say I've gotten quite close to Demi which is good really because I haven't cut all week. I've defiantly fallen more in love with this girl. I'm actually with Demi right now, were finish off our song for tomorrow, we kinda forgot about it.  

"That's a good idea Joe!" She says and I smile, it means a lot when she says that.

"Thanks." I reply making her look up at me.

"You're welcome. You know I don't know why you get bullied, you're really sweet and nice," She complements making me blush a bit, why did she have to say that! "Aw is Joey blushing?" She teases.

"Demi!" I wine and she laughs.

"You don't need to be ashamed Joe."

"It's embarrassing!" I wine again. She laughs and moves closer to me holding my hand, could she make my heart beat any faster? She begins leaning in making me lean in too, is this actually gonna happen?

"You have no idea how long I've waited for this moment." I whisper just inches away from kissing the girl I'm in love with.

"Shut up and kiss me."


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